my first horcrux

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tom's POV

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tom's POV

The only thing on my mind was murdering a mudblood.

One peaceful, quiet night at Hogwarts, I opened the Chamber of Secrets, which the great Salazar Slytherin built after he left Hogwarts. I spoke to the basilisk in parseltongue, telling it to murder a Hufflepuff mudblood named Reginald Staff, in order to receive my first Horcrux.

That next night, news broke out that the Chamber was opened and that Reginald Staff looked straight into the basilisk's eyes, to find himself dead. And so my first Horcrux would be a diary I preserved my sixteen-year old self in. I knew that in order to get my next Horcrux, I couldn't let anyone stand in my way.

So Dumbledore told students to stay in their common rooms until the chamber was found and closed. But my work was done. I simply framed a fellow Slytherin and closed the chamber myself and performed a sleeping spell on the basilisk.

A few days later, everything went back to normal. And I was in potions again, learning about the Amortentia potion, the strongest love potion, which I already knew how to do. I had been brewing one for a girl, who had Helga Hufflepuff's cup. My plan was to put the potion in some chocolates and give them to her. Eventually she would fall so in love with me, she would be willing to give the cup to me. And since I had already killed a student here at Hogwarts, I decided to murder the girl's father to earn my second Horcrux.

But I stopped thinking about it for a while. I fixated my thoughts on this Hufflepuff girl named Amiri. I wasn't sure what I was feeling towards her. Whenever I was near her and whenever she looked at me, my heart skipped a beat and I got excited just thinking of her. I wasn't sure what was wrong with me but I thought that maybe it was the shot of Firewhisky I drank every night.

I was in the Great Hall, focusing all of my attention on Amiri when jealousy crushed me as I saw Timothée, the Gryffindor prefect, head boy, and Quidditch seeker sit down next to her. It was obvious he was flirting with her. And I was nothing short of jealous. I stared at him angrily and hoped he would walk away from her. But he stayed there the entire time.

The first task of the tournament was the next day. I skipped most of it, only staying to jinx Timothée's broom and watch him struggle. But then I left and while I was walking around the castle, I bumped into Amiri. Her hair was pinned back on one side and she stared at me, open-eyed.

She was gorgeous. The type of girl who made your jaw drop every goddamn time you saw her.

"Tom," she said, "Are you about to watch the tournament?"

"N- no," I stuttered, "I was just leaving it. I must be studying."

"Again?" she smirked, taking my hand, "Come on. Let's go to the lake."

I followed her to the lake. It was an exceptionally beautiful day. The sky was clear and the sun was shining. We both sat at the edge of the lake, looking at our reflections in the water.

"Thank you for the music box," she blushed, "I never got to thank you for it."

I smiled, "You're welcome."

It was the first time I had said it. You're welcome. I had never said it before.

She laid down on the grass and stared up at the clouds then used her arm to pull me down with her.

"The sky is beautiful, isn't it?" she smiled.

"So are you," I stared at her, "Ew, I'm so sorry. That was horrible."

She turned to me, smiling, "No, it's cute."

She sat up again, "So, what do you do for fun, Tom?"

If I were to answer honestly, she would never speak to me again.

So I simply said, "Practice charms and stuff."

"There has to be something else you do!" she exclaimed, "I like taking care of unicorns. My aunt has some back home in America."

"You must like Care for Magical Creatures then." I assumed, sitting up like she was.

"I do," she smiled again.

I stared at her lips for the longest time, hoping so much I could just kiss them. This feeling was strange.

"Amiri!" I heard someone behind us exclaim.

I turned around to find her mudblood friend Isla. As much as I didn't like her friend, I knew I needed to be careful about what I did or said in front of Isla. Isla and I had a rough past. If Amiri knew what I used to do, she would probably hate my guts.

I cleared my throat, standing up, "I better be going."

Amiri got up, "Why?"

"As I said," I continued, "I should be studying. I'll see you tomorrow, Amiri."

I smiled and left to the common room. However, as I was walking to the common room, I saw the bastard Timothée with his friend Theo talking. I eavesdropped, curious to see what they were saying.

"She's cute," Theo said, "You should talk to her."

Timothée chuckled, "I could never. She's probably busy talking to some other guy."

"And that's exactly why you need to ask her out before someone else does, Timothée," Theo continued, "Amiri will probably be off-limits soon- especially if she gets a boyfriend like Tom."

"What does Tom have to do with any of this?" Timothée asked.

"I heard they were quote-on-quote 'studying' together past curfew," Theo gossiped, "If you like her, I would make a move fast. She barely knows you exist."

Before they could catch me listening in on their conversation, I ran back to my common room. Gerald was there. He was a makeup artist and was putting on some makeup while looking in the mirror.

"What are you up to, Tom?" he asked me.

"Oh, nothing," I lied, "And you?"

"Just trying out this new eyeshadow palette I got from Clarice."

"Ugh, Clarice!" I scoffed, collapsing on the sofa and summoning some butterbeer.

"What's so bad about her?" Gerald asked.

"She's annoying!" I exclaimed, "She's all over me."

"Don't mind her. Are you going to the Yule Ball? It's coming up fast."

"Why would I even think of going to the Yule Ball?"

"Amiri's going."


"Don't you have a crush on her? Man, Tom Riddle actually having a crush on someone. Can you believe it?" he muttered, putting blush on.

"I don't have a crush on her!" I angrily said, "We're just- study mates."

"Study mates?" Gerald laughed, "That's a good one."

I ignored him and went to walk around the castle for a bit longer. I walked around until it was late at night.

I stood by Snape's Potions classroom when I saw Timothée walking by.

"Hey, you!" I shouted to get his attention.

He turned to me quickly, "What do you want?"

"Do you talk to Amiri?" I asked.

"Why does it matter to you?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Answer the fucking question, you prick!" I yelled, pointing my wand to him.

"Fuck off, Tom," he chuckled, "I'm not scared of you."

"You have no idea what I could do to you..." I muttered, pulling him inside the classroom and locking the door.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now