a slytherin house party

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Music was playing loudly and I saw a lot of
people who probably weren't all slytherins dancing and drinking out of the red solo cups in their hands. I took off the invisibility cloak and looped my arm through Tom's. He pointed his wand at the cloak and muttered, "Depulso," sending it away.

We both sat down on one of the couches.

"Whose idea was this?" I asked him.

"Gerald's," he replied, "He's a seventh year in our house."

"I should get you a drink," he said, "Apple or orange juice?"

I rolled my eyes, "Please! Get me some firewhisky,"

He smirked and walked away, leaving me alone on the couch.

I observed the party more. A girl was making out with another girl in the corner, next to the speakers. Another couple was making out a few feet away from them. The song changed and I noticed a girl, who kept on bothering Tom, who was pouring my drink. I rolled my eyes and got up, walking to her.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted.

"I'm not doing anything to him," she replied, "Whatever your name is- Amy- Allie?"

"Her name is Amiri." Tom said.

"Oh, big difference!" she said, then moved her hand from Tom's shoulder to his member.

"Ventus!" I said, pointing my wand at her arm. Wind gushed out of my wand and pushed her hand away from him.

I tucked my wand back in my pocket and said firmly, "Let's go, Tom."

He followed me, looking back at the girl.

We both were about to sit down in the same place, but another couple was making out on the couch. We sat in front of the fireplace and the song changed once again. I took a sip of the firewhisky, which tasted strong.

I stared up at him for a while, taking long deep breaths.

"Tom," I said, caressing his face and bringing my finger down to his lips.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Just come here and kiss me again." I desperately whispered.

He leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips but didn't think to stop there. He got on top of me right there and then and I clutched his shirt, locking my lips with his. He smiled through our kiss and used his tongue to find mine.

He carried me and started walking upstairs to the boys' dormitory. I still kissed him on his neck until he put me down on his bed. He waved his wand at the door and it slammed closed. He got on top of me and grabbed my face, kissing me again. I threw my arms around his neck and began unbuttoning his shirt. He kissed my neck as I unbuttoned it. Once it was unbuttoned, he pulled it off and threw it on the floor.

"Is this wrong?" I asked, unsure of exactly what I was doing.

"Only if you say it is," he smirked, "Now take off my belt."

I smirked back and unbuckled his belt, pulling his pants down. He started putting his hand up my dress and traced my curves with his fingers.

I kicked my heels off and he pulled down my panties.

*SMUT* (skip if smut makes you uncomfortable)

I pulled down his boxers while he fingered me. His member could have been at least 10 inches. Then he put himself in me slowly as I let out a breathy moan. It was something I had never done before.

He kept on going in slowly and deeply and as he increased his pace, my moans became louder.

"Is this your first time?" he panted.

"Yes." I replied, as he went in even deeper.

I let out another loud moan and grabbed onto him firmly.

He zipped down my dress and ripped it off. Then he put me in the doggy position and pulled my hair back harshly. He put his lips right next to my face and whispered, "Do you like this, my dear?"

Then he pushed himself in me again from the back and I moaned, "Yes."

After a while of fucking in that position, he got on top of me and licked my neck. I grabbed his face and french-kissed him for a while. He smirked deviously and unhooked my bra, pulling it off. Then he spread my legs and pushed himself in me once again. He made me moan his name about twenty times. I loved feeling him inside me. After about thirty minutes, he pulled out and had his orgasm then collapsed on the bed next to me. I turned to him. He was sweating just as much as I was.

"That was fun." he smirked.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now