you're a monster

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tom's POV

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tom's POV

So I murdered my muggle-ass father for my next horcrux, my grandfather's ring. I had been practicing the Avada Kedavra curse for some time and finally used it. It was a big relief to kill my muggle father.

That day, I realized that Amiri hadn't been talking to me as much. I wasn't sure why she was so embarrassed that we were together. Although, we weren't officially dating. I still felt weird since I really liked Amiri. You know– I was in love. I found it repulsive.

After Potions, I waited for her. She came out, looking as beautiful as ever and I couldn't help but smash my lips onto hers. She smiled and began walking away with me but just then, Timothée's friend Theo slapped her ass. I had never felt so angry before.

"Fuck off!" Amiri shouted at him, "Perv."

He just laughed at her.

"I'll murder him." I muttered to her.

But I meant it literally.


I was in my common room later that day, hoping to relax for a while before killing Theo. And I was sitting right by the fireplace. I took some of my notes on horcruxes and threw them in the fire, watching them go up in flames. I liked watching them burn. It was relieving. I seemed to forget about killing Theo and fell asleep in front of the fireplace. When I woke up, Amiri's head was on my lap. She sat up once she noticed my eyes were open.

"How did you get in?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter." she whispered, "Tom–"

"Yes, my dear?"

"Can I trust you with something?" I asked.

"Of course you can." I stretched my arm around her.

"My aunt doesn't want us together," she continued, "She doesn't like you with me. She just hates Slytherins because of this one time–"

"You're not going to listen to her, are you?"

"Of course not," she responded, "I want you to kiss me."

I smiled and leaned in, kissing her on her lips. Her lips felt so soft that day. I wanted to kiss them all night long.

"Tell me something," she insisted, "Are you hiding anything from me?"

"N– no." I hesitated.

"You hesitated, Tom," she smirked, "It can't be that bad."

"I– well I– I just– I guess I just miss my mother. I can't stand going to that muggle orphanage every summer. I don't have a home to go to."

She looked down sadly, "You can always come live with me. My aunt's boyfriend just bought a new house in London. That's why she started teaching here..."

"Your aunt teaches here?"

"Unfortunately, yes," she explained, "Please. Live with me, Tom."

"I shouldn't," I responded, "Your aunt wouldn't want me. And I'm dangerous."

"How are you dangerous?" she caressed my cheek.

I didn't intend to tell her yet. She had been so kind to me; I knew she would turn on me if she knew about all of the blood on my hands.

"I mean– that's what your aunt thinks, right?"

"Oh– yeah." she responded, staring into my eyes.

I chose to walk around the castle that night. I thought about telling Amiri about everything I had done. But I knew that would be a dumb move. I just wanted her to love me for me. I was faking everything to her. She had no idea who I really was. She had no idea I was Lord Voldemort and that I planned to be the most powerful sorcerer alive.

I leaned against one of the cold, stony walls when I heard a cracking noise. And I realized someone had apparated in front of me. She was Amiri's aunt. Then she apparated with me to a small room in a house, so rapidly I didn't even take a breath.

She held a knife to my neck and whispered, "Stay away from my niece, mud-blood!"

"I didn't ask for my father to be muggle-born!" I exclaimed, bravely, "I wasn't supposed to be a half-blood!"

"You're evil. I can sense it," she brought the knife even closer to my neck, "You're a monster."

"You're not keeping your niece away from me. She loves me and I love her." I firmly stated.

"You don't love anyone but yourself!" she hissed, "Your mother was the same way. Pathetic."

"How do you know about my mother?"

"I went to Hogwarts with her, child. She influenced my ex. In the wrong way," she began cutting my neck, "And I'm not about to let it happen again– with her DEMON SON!"

I screamed in pain as she cut me. I was dumb enough to leave my wand in the common room.

"Penelope, I'm home!" a male voice shouted.

She quickly apparated the both of us back the where we were, "Watch what happens to you if you talk to Amiri again."

And then she apparated back to her home. I touched the bottom of my chin and felt my blood drip down my neck. The burning of the blade slicing my skin lingered. I quickly walked to my common room and washed off the blood for hours, until it stopped bleeding so horrifically. And I fell to the bathroom floor and sobbed. For the first time.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now