a night to remember

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watch it and thank me later ((:

Mattheo grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of my chair to dance. We danced elegantly when he leaned in and whispered, "Tonight will be a night to remember."

He pulled away, smirking at me and spun me around. What had Mattheo meant by that? Was it a bad thing?

Those same three people from our table carefully eyed the guy in the white mask. I immediately got a weird sort of vibe and started to feel dizzy until the guy in that mask stood up with the other girl at his table and started dancing with her. Grabbing Mattheo's broad shoulders, I stared across the dance floor at that guy in the mask. His mysteriousness drew me in. In the same way Tom had drawn me in.

It was time to switch dance partners and luckily I started dancing with the guy in that white mask.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously, grabbing his hands. An emerald ring was on his pointer finger.

"I'll let you guess." he said in a muffled voice I couldn't recognize.

He twirled me around and I grabbed a hold of his strong shoulder. I looked into his turquoise eyes.

"You're someone who doesn't wish to be seen." I assumed, "Someone who's hiding from something."

"Maybe." he replied, grabbing my waist strongly.

Just then I heard a loud crack was apparated to another room with a pool table and a bar. The man in the white mask was standing in front of me, twirling his wand in his fingers and leaning against the pool table, one leg over the other.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

He pulled off his mask and to my utter surprise it was the boy I adored with all my heart– Tom Riddle. His curls were longer, falling into his beautiful eyes. He bit his lip while staring at my lips. I pulled off my mask.

I didn't hesitate and grabbed his face with both of my hands, kissing him firmly.

That kiss was the kiss I had been longing for. For nine long months. His lips were so warm and inviting. With Mattheo, I didn't feel anything like that.

We pulled away quickly and I said, "W- where were you? Are you okay?"

He smiled, "I'm fine. You never got my letter?"

"I did– I just–"

He pulled me in closer to him, pressing his lips even closer to mine. I threw my arms around his neck, enjoying the sweet kiss until the door burst open and Mattheo was standing there with the three people who were at our table behind him. Mattheo took out his wand and pointed it directly at Tom.

"The Ministries of Magic and the Magical Congress of the United States order that you surrender your wand and come get what you deserve as a fugitive– the Dementor's Kiss." Mattheo demanded.

"And who do you think you are?" Tom asked, clenching his wand in his hand.

Mattheo pulled off his mask as did the others and said dramatically, "Mattheo Manuel Lopez– the Auror who catches dark wizards like you."

Tom's mouth gaped in surprise. I knew he hadn't seen his brother in years.

"You're alive?!" Tom exclaimed, "I thought you'd die of hunger or–"

"I'm very much alive," Mattheo said, through gritted teeth, slowly sauntering towards Tom, "It's a shame that you're going to die."

"Confringo!" Mattheo shouted, but Tom apparated him and I away from the explosion just in time.

Tom waved his wand and the few people that were sitting next to him earlier walked in, pulling off their masks and aiming their wands at the Aurors in front of them.

"I have my followers too," Tom smirked, "Imperio!"

One of the Aurors was under Tom's control and Tom made him attack the other Aurors.

"As you can see, I've advanced in magic very well without you." Tom told Mattheo.

"That won't matter once I kill you, Tom." Mattheo argued, pointing his wand at one of Tom's followers, "Stupefy!"

She dropped to the floor, completely unconscious.

"My name is Lord Voldemort," he replied, slicing an Auror's chest, "Not Tom."

Mattheo rolled his eyes, "Always so dramatic. You were always the one acting so fucking tough. Who are you trying to prove yourself to?"

He continued, "Are you really going to fall for his tricks, Amiri?"

He approached me, walking closer to me, "He's not who you think he is."

"Leave her alone," Tom interrupted, "He's not worth your time, love."

"Avada–" Mattheo began, holding his wand back.

"Expelliarmus!" one of Tom's followers shouted, behind Mattheo.

Mattheo's wand flew out of his hand but he quickly ran to grab it and pointed it at Tom.

Tom pointed his wand at Mattheo, "You're not as good as me. You'll never be as good as me. That's why Amiri loves me instead of you."

More Aurors came in the room, all pointing their wands at Tom and his followers.

Mattheo looked back at the Aurors and uttered, "Let's burn em' down."

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now