i'd say i want you

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After embarrassing the shit out of myself, I went back to my common room to find Isla smiling and reading a piece of parchment in her hand

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After embarrassing the shit out of myself, I went back to my common room to find Isla smiling and reading a piece of parchment in her hand.

"Is that a love letter?" I teased as I walked in.

She got startled and slammed the paper face down into her lap.

"No- I'm just studying!"

"You smile when you study?!"

"Okay, fine. I'm talking to someone. And this is a note from him."


"He's- different." said Isla.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "He's not a werewolf or anything, right?"

"Are you serious?" she exclaimed, "No!"

"Then who is it?"

"I'd rather not say, Amiri," she looked down, "I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"Whatever," I muttered then noticed that Timothée was still laying only bed, this time asleep.

I sat down on my bed next to him and stroked his cheek.

"You'll get in trouble if someone finds out he's in here." Isla said.

"I don't care," I told her, "He's an angel."

I slept next to Timothée that night, wishing so much that I hadn't run away from Tom.

(tom's POV)

I had put a piece of parchment telling Amiri to come to the ball with me in her purse. But she never answered me. So at the last minute, I scrambled to find a date who ended up being Clarice Heggins. I had absolutely no interest in anything Clarice had to say or anything she did but I needed a date to the ball. And then while I was there, I saw her with Timothée, dancing. I knew I wasn't as athletic or as handsome as the Gryffindor prefect, head boy, and seeker but I was smart. And I wasn't about to let one show-off take Amiri from me. So as I was "dancing" with Clarice, I muttered, "Serpensortia," and just then, a saw-scaled viper slithered out of my wand. I commanded it to inject its venom in Timothée using parselmouth and walked away casually.

There were two simple reasons I needed to murder Timothée, one being that I wanted Amiri and the other being that I needed another Horcrux. I left right after the snake was unleashed to my common room. But when I woke up the next morning and went to Transfiguration, I saw Timothée in his seat. As always. That stupid snake didn't do its job.

During Transfiguration, I turned around to the Hufflepuff girl behind me and tried to seem as flirtatious as possible. It took too much learning time but it had to be done. I needed Helga Hufflepuff's Cup from Daisy Evans.

She invited me to her house and after classes, we both used Floo Powder to get there. I talked to her for some time in her bedroom but eventually got out the box of chocolates I had. Each chocolate had the Amortentia potion I had been brewing in it. Once she came back, I offered her the chocolate and she ate one of them. After some time, she fell so madly in love with me that she was willing to do anything I said. So I told her to get Helga Hufflepuff's cup from her father's antique room.

She did exactly as I said. I took the cup from her and said, "Obliviate," to wipe out her memory of me, then used a bewitched sleeping spell on her. With the cup in my hand, I went straight to her father and slashed my wand, "Secumseptra,"

It was as if a knife had slashed his chest. He kept on bleeding out, turning to me in pain.

"W- who are you?" he groaned, slowly dying, "And why are you here? Why did you do this?"

"My name is Lord Voldemort," I replied, "And you're dying for a great cause- my immortality,,"

I held back my wand then pointed it at him, disintegrating him as soon as he died. And then I left. With my second Horcrux.

(back to your POV)

I woke up but Timothée was gone. I looked at the time: 9:56. I was about to be late to my Potions class. When I came in, everyone stared at me. It was such an uncomfortable feeling.

"You're late, Ms. Laurier," Professor Slughorn said, "Take your seat."

I sat in my seat next to Isla as always, "Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I tried! You were in a deep sleep!" she exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes as I heard Slughorn tell us to read pages 553-556.

I was about to turn when I felt a subtle tap on my left shoulder.

I abruptly turned around to Tom behind me, asking him, "What do you want?"

He smirked, "Besides all the power in the world. I'd say I want you."

I rolled my eyes, "That's not what you said last night. I saw you with Clarice."

Then he rolled his eyes, "Darling, she means nothing to me."

He came closer to me and whispered demandingly, "Now turn to page 553 and start reading."

Then he added, "Babe."

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