love's a dangerous thing

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I followed Tom to wherever he was taking me, although I was still worried that I was going to get caught walking around with him again

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I followed Tom to wherever he was taking me, although I was still worried that I was going to get caught walking around with him again. He smelled like fresh peppermint this time. It was a calming sort of scent.

We went to the fifth floor and he led me through a door next to the statue of Boris the Bewildered.

"Pine fresh." muttered Tom as the door flung open. It was a huge bathroom with a huge bathtub, the water running and bubbles covering the top.

"After you." Tom smirked.

"Where are we?" I asked, still looking at the beautiful bathroom.

"The Prefect's Bathroom." he simply stated, taking off his robe.

I was still astonished, looking around. It was nothing like the bathrooms we had to use. When I turned back to Tom, his shirt was off and I stared him down.

"What if we get caught, though?" I asked.

"Please! No one's gonna catch us in here, Amiri." he said, taking off the rest of his clothes.

I took off my robe but heard a noise outside and became startled, "What was that?"

I suddenly felt a grip on my waist and I was pulled into the bathtub.

"Tom!" I screamed, "You-"

I smiled and splashed his face with water, his hair becoming soaking wet.

He swam up next to me and kissed me, immediately. I knew Isla had called him evil. But I just couldn't see it. He would never do anything evil.

I pulled off my wet clothes, stripping down to nothing and put my arms around him.

"I love you, Tom Riddle." I whispered.

"Love's a dangerous thing." he whispered, planting a kiss on my neck.

"I know," I pulled my head off of his chest to see his face, "But it's also a beautiful thing."

"But it's weird," he said, "And disgusting."


"I'm not sure," he said, "Lust is just far more appealing."

"Love's not what you think it is, Tom."

"Then change my mind about it." he uttered, grasping my face and looking down at me.

I locked my lips with his and pressed my body against his. I reached down and touched his private as he jerked back in surprise.

I rubbed my tongue on his then wrapped my legs around his lower back, sitting on top of him. We pulled away for a moment. But we couldn't take pulling away from each other.

*SMUT* (3 parts in a row, damn!) (skip to the asterisks if smut makes you uncomfortable)

I grabbed his member casually.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"We're finally alone..." I replied, starting to jerk him off.

He smirked, "I've been waiting for this all night."

He leaned in to me and kissed my neck gently then pulled away whispering, "Let's get nasty."

Still sitting on top of him, I positioned myself on top of his member and started grinding on him. I moaned as his member pierced me and as he pushed himself up inside of me.

"I see you in my dreams." he grunted, digging his fingernails into my back.

I moaned loudly.

"And do you want to know what you do to me in them?"

He smirked, pushing himself in even harder and continued, "You fuck me so good- I can't feel anything."

I grabbed onto him, still moaning.

"You make me numb, baby." then he had his orgasm and pulled out.


When we were done, we just sat in the bathtub, cuddling with each other.

"What are you guys doing?!" I heard Isla's voice scream.

I covered myself with bubbles as she came over, "Isla..."

She stared down at the both of us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, "You're not a prefect!"

"And neither are you," she said, "Is he brainwashing you?"

"No, he's not." I rolled my eyes.

"Sneaking out is unacceptable, Amiri. And you know that,"

"You snuck out too!"

"To prevent you from sneaking out," she said, "You guys did it again?"

"Yeah-" Tom intervened.

"No!" I shouted over him.

"You're using protection, right?" Isla asked me, "You know it only takes 24 hours for the sperm to fertilize the-"

"Okay!" I shouted, "We should leave."

I quickly got out, wrapping a towel around me.

"Put your clothes on!" Isla scoffed, waving her wand and dressing me back into my clothes. I started walking away but turned back to Tom, "Bye, Tom!"

Isla rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards her.

Once we exited the bathroom, she asked, "Did he take you there? What am I even asking? Of course he took you there!"

I ignored her, rolling my eyes.

But she continued, "I'm just worried about you. Ever since he came in your life you've been on your worst behavior,"

I  looked at her as she tapped the barrels nearby our common room, "Ooh, so I'm scandalous. I like that."

I sighed and fell on my bed once we got to our dormitories, "I've never been this in love."

"But is he in love?" she asked, "Does he even care about you?"

I sat up, "Of course he does."

"In a sexual way?"

"No! That's not all I like him for, Isla," I sighed, "He's sweet- and caring- and handsome- and big,"

"BIG?!" Isla shouted.

"Did I say big? I meant huge!"

"EW!" she gagged.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now