i go by lord voldemort now

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just two things to note before reading:

in my version, mattheo is tom's older brother

& hogsmeade is available to go to after classes, every day of the year

trailer 5:

7 months later...

mattheo's POV

My only instinct was to run that day. To run far away from that orphanage. I didn't even think to bring Tom with me. I was being beaten more frequently because of my stuttering. So I ran. I must have taken a thousand trains when I ended up in New York. A ten year-old. All alone in New York.

I was lucky enough when they both found me. Sabrina and Manuel Lopez. Some of the wealthiest business owners in New York. They adopted me.
Over the years, my British accent disappeared and I was "americanized."

But I was doing exceptionally well in New York, living in a penthouse with anything I could possibly want. I just wondered where the hell Tom had been after all these years. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt everytime I thought of him.

Eventually, I got a letter from Ilvermorny (not Hogwarts). I attended and became a prefect, head boy, and the Quidditch team captain for my house, Thunderbird. After I graduated, I started working as an Auror for the Magical Congress of the United States (MACUSA). Catching dark wizards was my favorite thing. Then I learned that a student from Hogwarts was a murderer. The congress sent me there to protect the school. I didn't complain, though. I had always wanted to go to Hogwarts.

So I lit my cigarette and apparated there. It was the first day of school.

your POV

Seven long, hellish months passed after that day I had last seen Tom. Nobody knew where he was. And I didn't expect them to find him either. He was too smart to be caught by the Ministry.

It was the first day of my last year at Hogwarts. Everything went exactly the same. I was still depressed over Tom. I had missed him more than I had missed anyone. Not to mention the absolute hell my aunt put me through over the summer, making sure to keep me busy.

Anyways, everything went exactly the same except for something that happened on the first day. It was something that changed everything.

It was about nine o'clock at night at Hogwarts. I walked around as I always did, wearing a long sweatshirt over my shorts and top. I walked until I bumped into a tall, muscular boy. I looked up and realized it was Tom. I almost had a heart attack but hugged him before I screamed.

"Tom! Are you insane? You'll get caught– I missed you so much!" I was about to grab his face and kiss him when I realized that it wasn't actually Tom Marvolo Riddle.

It was another boy, who looked remarkably like him.

He was tall and his hair was almost identical to Tom's. But his eyes were darker and he had more of a babyface. This boy was nothing short of gorgeous.

"I'm– I'm so sorry." I said, with something beyond embarrassment. I felt my face get hot.

"I thought you were someone else–"

"It's fine." he told me, with an American accent.

"You're American too? You must have just transferred–"

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now