04 | A Mutilated Ex

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The vibrations from a ringing cell phone woke up the disoriented Ada, who picked her head up from her shoulder

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The vibrations from a ringing cell phone woke up the disoriented Ada, who picked her head up from her shoulder. She shifted to sit upright in her seat. Two nurses that tended to Ada's mother glanced towards her in annoyance when the device continued to blare, and the detective showed no signs of answering the incoming call.

"You have your father's eyes." Ceasar said. Even though Ada was supposed to be perturbed by the sudden shift in his behavior, she couldn't care less about it. Because his jeer caused bugs of unease to crawl all over her arms, her shoulders, her entire torso down to her toes.

"Ma'am, someone's calling you."

"What?" Ada tried to bite back, but her question came out cracked. All the strength was sucked out from her body. An old wound had been ripped, and there was no way the injury could be mended. By Ceasar, least of all. He watched with satisfaction as Ada slowly lowered the gun, more so out of shock than voluntarily.

"Ma'am." The nurse called out again. When she heard no response, she looked at her colleague then turned away to approach the lost investigator.

"How- how the fuck do you know him?" Ada asked, and Ceasar simply whirled around to head for the hospital room's locked door. She shouted his name with every step he took, but the man didn't seem to pay mind to her desperation.

Moments Ada had been trying to forget rushed back to her all at once. Her and her mother's screams while her father was being tortured before them, her dried out throat from crying all night on her father's grave, the euphoria that the addiction to heroin provided Ada, and the-

Ada grabbed the finger that touched her. She shot up from her seat to clasp her hand around the nurse's throat when she had registered a tap to the shoulder, but upon snapping to reality, the groggy woman reeled her arm backwards and stepped away.

"Oh my god... I'm so- I'm sorry."

The nurse lifted a hand to caress her throat, and although she nodded in understanding, her glare glimmered with caution.

"Just reflexes." Ada lied smoothly, her eyes wandering towards her unconscious mother. The nurse decided to venture back to the patient, where her fellow nurse was completely oblivious to the whole exchange.

The muffled blaring of the phone had stopped. Ada slipped it out of her pocket and glanced at the screen, where it displayed a missed call from Ryan. Confused, she dialed him back in return and placed the phone against her ear. It didn't take Ryan longer than a single ring to pick up from the other side of the line.

"Were you dead or something?"


Ryan huffed a small laugh at Ada's retort. If only he knew she was being serious.

"So me and Jack-O-lantern over here were snooping around and did a little background check on Brie Nelson. Turns out, she checked into a hotel with Ceasar four days before her death. A day after that, a man, Walter James, could be seen storming out of her apartment's building. Apparently, they had been dating when Brie cheated on him with Ceasar, and Walter had found out."

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