11 | Making of the Villian

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

My eyes shifted from the screen of my phone up to my surroundings. Simply put, the neighborhood was blanketed with poverty. It was the least lavish area I had come across in the past week or so. But weirdly enough, it was a nice change to see a far too humble residential area instead of a suffocatingly fancy one.

Captain Jameson was grazed with a bullet on his upper arm yesterday, but he had passed out due to panic. He had been rushed to the hospital and had been patched up. The doctor said he should rest for at least a day, and that's exactly what Captain did at the moment.

As I neared one of the houses and stood outside the worn out door, I began second guessing myself. Doubt filled me, and it told me to step away. The person I was about to meet would undoubtedly unlock a memory or two I had buried away.

Don't go inside.

"That's all you can do, eh? Just warn me and then disappear?"

I can do a lot more, Ada. You'll find out soon enough.

I clicked my tongue with a shake of my head, then brought up my knuckles to strike them on the door. Footsteps resounded from the other side until the entrance was flung open.

An elderly looking man- probably in his late 60s- stood before me, annoyance written on his expression as clear as day. His head consisted of some patches of silver and brown hair, and his clothes were wrinkled and plain. He took time to inspect me and my attire. Even when he had spotted my badge, his irritation didn't waver.

"Are you John Carter? You used to be a driver for Mason Lozano, correct?"

"Yes." He responded gruffly. "Are you here to kill me on his son's behalf or something?"

The man's nonchalance was surprising, and I shook my head to answer. My lips had parted out of temporary speechlessness. I spoke up again after a while.

"I'm Officer Ada Kline. I'm here to talk to you about a few things, that is, if you'll allow me."

John's expression fell flat. All remnants of the previous emotion gone, only to be replaced by realization. That in turn caught my curiosity. I saw... recognition. Did he know me?

Leave, Ada.

"Come- come in." He said, his slightly widened eyes never moving away from me as he stepped to the side. I walked in and eyed the interior shortly before John encouraged me to take a seat on one of the worn out sofas, while he did the same opposite to me.

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