23 | An Explosive Execution

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

You do realize that you've become a criminal now, right?

A wry grin is my response to Madi as I relax further into the seat, my head angled so I could watch our surroundings blur by.

Yeah, I agree. You used to be a hero, but now you're a villain in the making.

"When you can't beat them, be them. And then beat them."

Though my response was for the two parts of me, Jack breathed a laugh from beside me when he heard it. His hands were on the steering wheel, his eyes trained on the road up ahead.

"You can say that again."

So you have not a single problem with killing so many people? That's fucked up, even for someone like me.

"I've killed- no- mutilated five, what's a few more?"

Had it been any other day, Jack would've been mortified by my unsolicited statement. But now he knew everything- every single thing, down to the last detail. I never expected him to be this understanding, yet he was.

A headache started to rise just as unpleasant memories threatened to reel in, but I scrunched my eyes tightly shut- as if that would help my case.

"Why did you agree to this?" I asked after a long moment of silence. "My mental condition is a different story. But you? You're completely sane, are you not?"

I had cracked an eyelid to side-eye him. His lips were pursed in deep thought. He glanced my way for a split second before flashing a half-cocked smile.

"I'm not sane. But what I am, is desperate. For Ceasar to be able to pull all this shit so freely- for him to manipulate you and not get questioned is quite frankly, pissing me off. Granted, it's through you that he got his 'work done', but that doesn't make him any less of a monster." Jack's eyebrows were creased as he ranted off. His irritation was reflected onto both his tone and face.

"Captain is a useless prick too. And crushing one of Ceasar's major business points to anger him and make him lash out is a brilliant idea. What choice do we have, other than to make bold moves if it means that he digs a grave for himself?"

Jack looked in my direction again, but this time, his gaze was on the two objects lying in my lap. At that, I casted a glance down at them.

A sense of fascination overtook me. I held one of them up at eye level to inspect it.

"It's so small and plain looking..." I trailed off in a trance of sorts, catching Jack's attention in the process. He too stared at it.

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