12 | Mixed Emotions

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The very minute the car swerved to a stop in the driveway of her home, Ada threw the vehicle's door open and climbed out with staggering steps

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The very minute the car swerved to a stop in the driveway of her home, Ada threw the vehicle's door open and climbed out with staggering steps. Her taut grip on the recorder contradicted the wobbliness of her knees. Her knuckles were white, so was her face which was stripped of any enthusiasm.

"What makes you think I'm going to heaven?"

Ada struggled with the keychain in her other hand. It jingled violently as she searched for the key to her house. She did find it eventually, and after a few useless tries of inserting it into the keyhole, she managed to slot it in.

Just then, every hair on her neck stood on end.

A cold layer of suspicion blanketed her body, and Ada jerked her head around to inspect the deserted streets in her neighborhood. She could have sworn she felt the heat of someone's stare, like laser burning into flesh. The woman in her head, 'witch' as Ada liked to call her, was awfully quiet right now too. As if she was enjoying the stew of paranoia that bubbled in Ada.

My name's Madi, fucking bitch. I hope your throat gets slit. In that case, you'd die too then. You got shit for brains or did you seriously forget?

Whilst the two fought, Ada's eyes snapped around in a frantic manner to catch anything that may be out of the ordinary.

And there was.

A black SUV stood on the other side of the road, its exterior crisp and glossy like it was painted just yesterday. A tall man in a turtleneck and sweatpants that matched the color of the vehicle was present too, with his form propped against one of its doors. His mouth was covered with a plain black bandana, and a glimmering object of metal was fidgeting in between his fingers.

He tilted his head up lazily, his dark and all too familiar stare meeting Ada's. His eyes creased after a while just when his mask lifted up by a little, because he was either smiling at her or sneering- she couldn't tell. The man cocked his head to the side and raised a brow, as if to ask what she'd be doing next. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out who he was.

Ceasar Lozano.

Shoot that motherfucker- No, head inside and lock the doors. Get in. Now.

Ada forced herself to spin on her heel and work on the task of unlocking the door. She experienced the start of hyperventilation the longer it took to twist the key, and when she glanced behind her, her pulse tripped upon seeing the masked Ceasar push himself off of the car. He began taking casual strides in her direction.

A frustrated scream ripped from Ada when the door wouldn't budge, and that coupled with the transition of Ceasar's silent walk to thuds of a sprint fired up her muscles. She pushed her shoulder against the door right when she twisted the key, and the entrance flung open.

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