18 | Three Sides of a Coin

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Dr. William's heart twisted in his chest as he headed for a certain room, his fingers clenching the pen and some files tightly in his hands. Ada's screams from yesterday still rang in his head, and they showed no signs of leaving him alone.

Cold metal greeted his palm once he grabbed onto the handle. He pushed it down and shoved the door of steel open.

Bright white walls made up the room. A tube light stuck to a surface was just as strong, and it illuminated a single table that sat in the center of the space. An occupied chair's backside was facing him as he stood there, and Dr. William knew there was another chair opposite to that.

"About time, doc."

The woman was leaning an elbow on the chair's armrest. Her body was tilted to the side casually, her legs stretched out so her heels could touch the ground.

"I thought it'd be the day of my funeral by the time you got here." She lifted her head to peek at him slyly as he rounded the table to take a seat. The folders and a pen that were in his hand were plopped down, and she took her time to eye them intently.

"Sorry about that. I was just grabbing the necessary things." He offered curtly. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't smile. It pained him to see a once bright and bubbly seventeen-year-old, who was nothing but a ruin of personas now.

Had Ada shown a single sign of her disorder back then, he would have treated her all the way. But that was the issue; Ada gave away no hints of her dissociation at the time. Her condition worsened later on.

"It's cool."

"So Ada, can you-"

"Madi-" The woman hissed before he could finish his sentence. Her previously dulled eyes were now ablaze, her features lighting up with rage. She leaned forward all of a sudden to rest her fists on the table.

"I'm Madi, and she is sleeping. Don't you fucking dare wake her up."

Dr. William took a moment to gaze at her features that were twisted with anger, then he nodded. He wasn't particularly frightened, just amazed at how this alternative personality named Madi managed to make Ada look so different.

"I won't, sorry about that. But I believe this is the first time we're meeting?"

"Yes. A pleasure to meet you." Madi responded in a polite tone, her fury going out in the matter of seconds. A small smile lifted her lips, but it wasn't warm at all. It was cold- threatening even, and she pushed herself away from the table to slump in the chair again.

"So, can you tell me a little about yourself? Introduce yourself please."

"Oh, sure." Madi waved a hand, and she stared away at a wall as she began. "I came to Ada's rescue after that sick fuck killed her father. If it weren't for me and her, Ada would have killed herself- just like her mother tried to several times."

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