07 | A Challenge

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Ada's Point Of View

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Ada's Point Of View

Perhaps driving when you're drunk on emotions is a bad idea.

I had no choice but to drive myself to Mr. Wane's house. That way, if I were to die on the way there, at least it would just be me who loses my life. I couldn't bear to imagine Ryan or Jack getting hurt. I'd cut myself up to pieces before seeing them in pain.

You're the most stupid fucking person I've ever met.

"I'm the only person you've ever met, stupid bitch." I huffed as I tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

Nowadays, the wretched woman spoke more than usual. Hell, I started to hear her only after I had met Ceasar. It was as if he unlocked this... alternative persona of mine. In essence, he brought out the worst in me. Because I couldn't recall having to deal with her before.

"You're just like me, Ada. We're two sides of the same coin."

His words had replayed in my mind way more than I'd like to count. Truly, was I like him? Did I struggle with my alters- if I even had some in the first place?

Moments from my period of rehabilitation drifted to my memory, back when I had buried myself in the packets of cocaine to ease my grief. My therapist, Dr. William Pellet, had never once informed me about any signs of a dissociative identity disorder. Did I really not have it, or was I better at hiding my chaos during that time?

My foot pressed down on the car's brakes gradually to slow myself for the upcoming traffic lights. This road intersection was the last before I'd take a right turn for Mr. Wane's street. Thankfully, the roads were fairly empty right now, meaning I could reach his home even faster.

I glared into the red lights, as if mentally willing them to turn green. It worked after a few minutes, and I had navigated the car forward so I could turn.

But it didn't work to my advantage.

The loud and consistent honk of a car resonated from my right side before I could do anything more. It grew rapidly louder and louder until I was compelled to snap my gaze in annoyance.

A car was barreling towards me with full speed.

My body took charge when my mind failed to do so. I simply watched from inside as my hand grabbed the gearshift and moved it towards 'reverse', and my foot slammed on the accelerator.

The car missed me by the length of a hair and continued racing until the vehicle collided into a traffic light pole. Debris of metal and glass flew away from its front as the bonnet and headlights were shattered. The blaring of an alarm reverberated from it, but even then the annoying honk didn't stop.

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