15 | Dancing with the Devil

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

An odd sense of confidence marred every movement of mine. I greeted the guards outside and strutted into the venue, ignoring the quizzical looks they flashed when they took in my appearance, because I knew I looked impeccable regardless.

The place was beautiful. Soft music played from the speakers, a lush red carpet lined the floor, and chandeliers illuminated everything in a warm yellow glow.

I was supposed to be feeling guilty, even horrified at myself for killing my mother. But it was the exact opposite. I felt free, like a burden had been lifted from my shoulders.

No purse or anything of the sorts was in my grip, and neither did I conceal a weapon in my gown. Walking into an event hosted by Ceasar without something to defend yourself was a death wish, I knew that. But tonight, I just wanted to enjoy and take my mind off of things, instead of looking for chances to pull my gun out.

The ankle-length skirt of my blood red dress flapped with every step I took. Its long sleeves covered my arms, and the deep neckline showcased my collarbone at a decent amount. But that wasn't what turned heads.

It was my eyes. My mascara had bled due to an anxiety attack on the way here. It lined my lower lash line like kohl, somehow sharpening my already piercing gaze. I had put no effort into my hair either. It was opened loose.

Unfortunately, Jack wasn't going to attend the dinner. He was much too shaken up by Ryan's death and the image he was forced to witness in my house, so he decided to tap out. He had said he'd keep the main door of his house unlocked for me, after all, I needed a place to stay. My own home was a crime scene now.

"You look... powerful, Ada." I heard a feminine voice from somewhere, and I caught a glimpse of the person to see Officer Lily, someone I was casual friends with. She was seated on one of the tables with one leg over the other, and a glass of red wine in one hand. A wry grin arched on my mouth.

"Not more than you, love." I winked, then continued on with my journey towards an empty table. I was in no mood to socialize, lest I stab someone with a fork if they chew my brain out.

When have things ever been in your favor? This is Ceasar we're talking about. You can't get away without meeting him, get that through your thick skull.

It was fascinating how the women in my head had the same exact voice as my own, yet they sounded completely different because of their tones- where one was malicious and pure evil, the other was fairly timid, yet she spoke with common sense.

But of course, they were right.

I could see that far away, sat the devil himself. A man on the same table as him continued to chatter away, but Ceasar didn't pay him any mind. He stared through his eyelashes, his eyes stuck to me. Never once did they move away.

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