17 | Demon of the Past

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

Wake up.

Despite the unusual soothe in the voice, my head prickled with agony.


A tingle of strength began at my fingertips. It slowly travelled upwards to swallow my hands, my arms, then my shoulders.

Come on, you can do this. We can do this.

It took a while, but my body returned to my control. My sight came back as well, and I registered the assault of bright white lights against my closed eyelids. I tried prying them open, and although I struggled quite a bit, my vision managed to finally adjust.

A white-tiled ceiling hovered right above me. My gaze swept across my surroundings so I could make sense of one thing; I was in a hospital ward.

Then, I made sense of a second notion; I had no clue why I was here in the first place.

A bed next to mine had a man lying atop it, his eyes closed and relaxed as if he were sleeping.


"Jack?" I wondered out loud, even more so astounded that he was here with me. He wasn't bandaged severely. In fact, he wasn't bandaged at all, which filled me with relief. So he wasn't injured during the chaos of whatever had happened.

"Ah, thank goodness you're awake."

The unfamiliar masculine voice caught me off guard. I shot upwards to sit, and a long groan slipped from me at the pounding headache that settled on my head.

"How are you feeling?"

"What kind of a stupid fucking question is that?" I hissed with hatred towards the man in a white coat. I couldn't care less about my rudeness, I stood by what I said. And when he flashed me a sympathetic smile, it infuriated even more.

"For me to be here surely means I feel like shit, doesn't it?"

"Good point." He chuckled with a shake of his head, then turned towards the entrance of the ward to shout something out. Some very colorful words poured out my mouth for him because that just made the migraine worse. I stared at the badge pinned to his chest in a poor attempt to distract myself.

Doctor Bucklow. The fuck? Ugly ass name for an ugly ass man. Come on, he's not that bad. I think you hit your head too.

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