08 | Even More Amnesia

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Spoke to Mr

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Spoke to Mr. Wane minutes after the car crash. Wane says he has been threatened by Ceasar.

Ada paused after writing the sentence to scroll up by a little so she could type information about Brie that she had learned. Even in this bumpy ride, she was keen on noting everything down.

Brie overheard Ceasar talk about his sketchy businesses. In return, he got her fired and broke her relationship of several years with Walter James, which drove her to depression and took her life.

"Can you stop texting your boyfriend and tell me what the fuck's going on?" Ryan nearly yelled. He was on the brink of hysterics, with his black-framed glasses dislocated at an angle. Because of the speed he was driving the car at due to the pressure from Ada, a few near collisions had occurred with the police cars in front of them.

"Ryan keep your attention on the road. If I die because of you, I swear on my mom I'll haunt you and make you shit bricks forever." Jack breathed from behind, his palms clutching the shoulders of both the passenger and driver's seat. It was comical to see how the two men looked horrified, whereas Ada continued to type away on her phone without a care in the world.

"This is absolutely perfect." She began, ignoring her colleagues' bickering. She slipped the phone back into her pocket to peer out the window and inspect the other vehicles.

After she had received the message from Ceasar, she had immediately called for emergency backup to help transport Mr. Wane from his house to the police station. She hadn't really elaborated why, but Captain Jameson took her word for it. Mr. Wane was ushered into a large bulletproof van with two police officers, and five other police cars formed a circle of sorts to surround it. Ada, Ryan, and Jack sat in one, and they- courtesy of Ryan- raced like their life depended upon it.

Ada didn't let anyone know about the phone she had received in the man's car this morning, just as a safety precaution. She always abided by the rule of 'The lesser the people know, the better.'

"Mr. Wane can now testify against Ceasar." She said with underlying excitement. A genuine smile, one that she couldn't recall wearing in a long time, graced her lips.

"His statement is all the proof we need to put Ceasar behind bars."

"But how certain are you that it's him we're supposed to throw in jail?" Jack asked, and Ryan nodded in agreement. Ada darted back and forth mentally between explaining everything, or giving a vague response and clarifying the reason later on.

"I have never been more certain."

"That's cool and all, but I think you should call Mr. Wane and check up on him. He's very important to us right now, and it would suck if he died from a heart attack." As much of a joke it was, Ryan was also being deathly serious. Ada slipped her phone out yet again and dialed the old man. Not even after a single ring later he had answered.

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