24 | Devil's Point

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"What is all this? Who are they?" Ada questioned with evident cluelessness, one of her fingers scratching her eyebrow

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"What is all this? Who are they?" Ada questioned with evident cluelessness, one of her fingers scratching her eyebrow.

A group of seven adults stood in the living room, their hands clasped behind their backs in a posture of unspoken discipline. Their clothing was casual though, which confused Ada even further.

"Backup." Jack responded, making her stand up from her seat on a couch, her eyes never leaving the bunch of vaguely familiar faces.

"They're friends of mine in the station- I think you've met a few of them. But basically, I managed to convince them to work with us."

Ada nodded a few times, though she wasn't convinced. Her eyes narrowed, and her lips pressed together in a tight line. Jack's excitement wavered upon noting her skepticism, and he too lifted himself to stand beside her.

"You're all here to work with us?"

"Yes." Some of them replied, whilst other moved their head to imply the same.


That caught them by surprise. They exchanged looks, whereas Jack glanced at Ada, as if requesting her to elaborate.

"Jack is a suspended officer on the basis of publicly harassing someone 'innocent'. I have the same charges, except- I'm also fucking crazy. I have a multiple personality disorder, and I'm a patient who ran away from a psych ward. They're probably out there still searching for me." Ada explained ever so casually, making Jack chuckle. She placed her hands on her waist and continued to inspect the mini crowd.

"So." Her tone suddenly hardened, and she stepped closer to them. "Why do you want to work with us?"

"Because Captain assigns us boring ass cases and we were getting tired of them. We wanted some serious action so- what? It's true." A man bit out to his colleague next to him as he rubbed his upper arm. Ada bit on her bottom lip to subdue a grin. She side-eyed Jack who shared a similar expression.

"That-" A woman cut in, catching everyone's attention. "And also because it's kind of annoying how much Captain's scared of this Ceasar Lozano. Makes me truly wonder if he is hiding something."

Ada remained silent for a while, as if taking time to absorb the current scenario. She spoke again all of a sudden.

"Do y'all know what you're getting into?" She asked genuinely, as one last attempt to separate the cowards from the courageous. Surprisingly, they all stood their ground and nodded firmly.

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