28 | An Emotional Confrontation

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The temperature of the room dropped

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The temperature of the room dropped. Perhaps it might have been Ada's- or Madi's nerves freezing up on her. Her ears blocked out the sounds of the gunshots and shouts from outside the door. All she could hear was the pulsing of her heart.

"Took you long enough." Ceasar drawled as he pushed himself off the door. He tucked a hand into his trouser's pocket and sauntered towards her, his sly grin evergreen as always. He stopped before her, leaning forward so his free hand could clutch the desk's edge and cage her.

"Touch me, and I'll make a colander out of you." Madi cooed with a smirk, and she lifted the gun for emphasis.

"But I'm not touching you." He shrugged. Ceasar was right. He was within close proximity, yet he wasn't in contact with her in any way.

Madi leaned her rear, along with her entire weight against the desk. The hand that gripped the gun had its nozzle pressed into the side of his cheek, and the other palm was tucked underneath the other elbow, making it look like a half-fold of the arms.

"What happened to all that shit about 'I'll hold my hands out for you to cuff when you find evidence against me'? Are you pussying out?"

A deep chuckle rumbled in Ceasar's throat. He pulled his hand out of the pocket to sweep away the rogue strands on his forehead, before he placed that palm on the desk too, closing the distance even more. Whilst Madi's eyes were on him with blazing hatred, he was simply studying her features.

"That would be useless though." He said. "You won't cuff me. You'll kill me, no matter what it takes."

"Damn right." Madi bit out proudly, before she heard a voice stir in her head.

Madi, she's waking up.

"So..." Ceasar lifted Madi's chin, and much to his shock, she didn't protest. He brushed a thumb over her bottom lip casually.

"Why don't I make the best of it?"

His hand slid to the back of her head and he grabbed a handful of hair, using it to pull her to him. His lips caught hers, and his other arm wrapped around her shoulder firmly.

Madi didn't hold back either.

She hooked one arm around his neck to return the gesture, but the gun was still buried into him, on his shoulder. It was just a precaution, since one could never know what tricks he had up his sleeve.

The raw emotions they exchanged was unlike anything either of them had experienced. They resembled lovers reuniting after an eternity, not enemies who loathed each other's existence.

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