22 | Partners in Crime

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The sun was starting to rise, signaling the start of a new day

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The sun was starting to rise, signaling the start of a new day.

Exhaustion weighed Ada down like one giant boulder, both because of her adventure and the lack of proper sleep. The moment felt unreal because her senses were numbed, but somehow, her limbs still moved to navigate the car.

Ada plopped back into her seat once she stopped the car beside a road's sidewalk. She rolled her head against the headrest to peer out her window, and she zoned out momentarily.

"Is this a good idea?" She whispered to herself.

It's not like there's any other place you can be at. Hurry up and go, people might be searching for you.

With an aggravated sigh, Ada climbed out of the car and slammed the door shut, to then trudge towards a particular house in the residential area. She hesitated once she reached the doorstep, but when the women screamed at her, she struck the door with her knuckles.

"Fucking hell..." She heard a groggy voice say from behind the entrance after a while. Footsteps drew closer and closer, until the door was swung open.


Jack paused the task of rubbing one of his eyelids. His hair was ruffled, and drowsiness shielded his shocked gaze.

"Ada?" He blurted out as he dropped his palm, his voice soft and cautious so as to not scare her away.

Jack dashed forward to wrap his hands around her. An exhale of relief left his lips, and his arms tightened around her. His face was buried into her shoulder. Jack's wide smile faltered when he sensed no movement from her. She didn't make a single attempt to return the hug.

"Ada, are you alright?"

He pulled away and gripped her upper arms to study her face.

Ada stared back with a tense jaw. Her eyebrows were furrowed by a little. A mixture of sorrow and betrayal shone in her eyes, making Jack's heart drop to his knees.

"Come in." He offered as he retracted his arms out of the blue, clearly hurt but also surprised by her reaction. Jack watched with concern when Ada entered his residence limply. Nothing about her was cheerful in the slightest.

Without a word, she sat down on a sofa in the living room. Her body language was stiff, as opposed to being relaxed even when she was in the home of her best friend. Ada's knees were clenched together, her fingers were laced on her lap, and her gaze was trained on the coffee table separating her and the now-seated Jack.

"You didn't come to visit me." She murmured, before she lifted her chin to direct her misery fully towards him.

"You left me alone."

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