29 | Game Over

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Jack's Point Of View

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Jack's Point Of View

The gun dropped from my hand when I shot the last guard remaining. Several wounded officers from around me fell to sit on the ground, and I wouldn't blame them. We had been going at it for hours. This had to be the most exhausting raid we conducted so far.

A collective silence draped over the entire warehouse, seeing as we had no more men to deal with and no more bullets to fire. The harmless staff was being escorted out to be interrogated, while the injured SWAT members and officers were being treated with the teams of medics.

My right knee had developed a heartbeat, thanks to the fucker that shot right at it. But he was dead now, so there's nothing more I could do to tame my fury.

I wondered where Ada was. I had no doubt in her ambition, and surely she would have taken care of Ceasar. But even then, I was worried. So I began walking- no- limping towards the steep staircase, on the other end of the building.

"Asshole." I grumbled, the insult aimed at the man who designed such an unnecessarily huge warehouse.

"Sir, you're injured!" A man dressed in a pale blue medical uniform called out to me. He grabbed my upper arm to stop me. "Please sit down, and let me treat you-"

"Later. I need to see something first." I said, jerking my arm free and continuing my staggers.

Just to my worst luck, the lights turned off.

Collectively, every single bulb and tube light died, swallowing the warehouse with darkness. If it weren't for the streaks of sunlight creeping in occasionally, I would have thought I was blind.

And to add on to my annoyance, my phone rang in my pocket. I slid the device out and glanced at the caller ID, before picking it up.

"Yes, Captain?"

"What the hell just happened?" He asked. Jameson sounded extremely breathless, and panic dripped from his tone. That put a stop to the movement of my feet.

"I don't know."

"Well, find a way to turn them on. Our phones' flashlights aren't doing us any help in identifying."

Even more confused, I furrowed my brows and rested a hand on my waist.

"Identifying what?"

Captain sucked in a sigh out of exasperation, like he was already done with my questions. But he carried on.

"We just broke into the Head Office of the warehouse. There's a body in here, but we can't tell who it is. The person's head is missing."

The color drained off of my face. My throat ran dry and I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. I wanted to scream. I wanted to lash out on anyone nearest to me, but I wasn't sure how I composed myself.

"There's this coin lying beside them. I don't know- what did you say?" Captain said, probably to someone next to him. My anxiety toned down at that revelation.

Ada always told me about this coin that Ceasar had, and he'd use it to determine anyone's fate. The coin Captain spoke of probably belonged to him, and the notion that the body belonged to Ceasar set my heart at ease.

"Ja-Jack." He stuttered out of the blue, catching my attention.

And when he spoke again, it took back every sense of relief I had.

I fell to the ground on my knees, not because of my wound's ache but because of the ache on my heart. I snarled as loud as I could, and my cry of misery surely echoed against every wall, every surface of the warehouse.

A lone tear escaped my left eye and trailed down my cheek.

We lost.

"This- this is a female body. And... this morning I gave Officer Kline her detective badge back before we began the operation. A medic just found that badge inside the pocket of her trousers. I'm sorry."


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