20 | A Thrilling Escape pt. 1

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Ada continuously pressed on a red button located on the wall, just above the frame of her bed

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Ada continuously pressed on a red button located on the wall, just above the frame of her bed. She sat criss-crossed with a bored look on her face, and her eyes were set upon the door in anticipation.

"Coming!" Sang Anne from the other side as she finally flung the door open and stepped in. She closed the entrance behind her and leaned against it for a moment. Her chest heaved, implying that she was out of breath from running, clearly because of Ada's continuous ringing.

Every patient had a button as such given to them, so they could call for the nurse assigned to them in case they needed help.

"What is it?" She huffed playfully as she folded her arms, and Ada shot back a sheepish grin. She retracted her and set it on her lap.

"I uh- I can't really sleep with my hair untied. It's tangling a lot and pulling at my scalp."

What the fuck Ada. Seriously?

Ada tried her very best not to grimace at her excuse. She held her breath up until Anne gave out a small giggle, then strolled to where she was to assist her. She unraveled her own hairstyle upon peeling the hair tie out, and when she stopped right before Ada, she held her arms out to beckon her.

"Thank you." Ada murmured, bending her neck forward so Anne could gather it into a neat ponytail. Once that was taken care of, Ada leaned away to let the nurse admire her work.

"All done."

The beaming smile on Anne's face slowly began to melt off when she saw the ever growing guilt on the patient's face. Ada's brows were knitted together, and her lips were pressed together.

"I'm sorry."


In the matter of seconds, Ada jumped forward and gripped Anne's upper arms. Her fingers dug into flesh as she tugged Anne to successfully throw her onto the bed. The poor nurse didn't have a chance to register what had happened, since Ada climbed on top of her. Her knees pinned Anne's arms down on the mattress, and a palm was clamped around her mouth.

"You're a sweetheart and all..." Ada's form fidgeted due to Anne's relentless squirming. "But I need to get out of here. Like right now."

For a second, Ada wondered if she should use the nurse's help whilst she was conscious. The chances for success were high, so was the idea of Anne signaling for help and ruining Ada's plan.

Ada drew her free hand back as its fingers formed a fist along the way. The venture stopped nearby her ear, and her stomach twisted with remorse for what she was about to do.

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