25 | An Intoxicating Raid

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

Anger. Hatred. Sadness. Pity. One by one, a series of emotions hit me like bricks, and dare I say their edges were sharp.

Maybe that was why I said nothing, nor did I move an inch. I stood completely still like a statue would, except, this statue's lips were separated.

Of course, I had expected to come across him. But this early on in my venture? Never.

Ceasar might have figured I could only register his words by reading the movement of his mouth. Thus, he leaned in entirely, his forehead resting against the wall and his lips a breath away from the shell of my ear- the one that didn't have an earpiece strapped to it.

"Are you here to bomb this place too?" He rasped with malice. Even after I had destroyed a building so vital to him- and everyone in it- he was still being playful.

"I think you're drunk-"

"On happiness? After seeing you in what seems like forever?" He fired back, and I could have sworn his grip on my lower waist tightened.

"Fuck yes."

I was at a complete loss for words. Ceasar was an insane man, I knew that. But for him to not want to choke me to death after what I had done was admirable. I didn't fight off the position I was in. There was this underlying fear of him being a ticking bomb, that would go off at the slightest of movements from me.

"So tell me, what brings you here? I don't see a dynamite on you..." He said as he moved his head away to lock eyes with mine, and a noticeable shudder trickled down my back due to the rage in them.

"Maybe I should rip it out of you."

"Or maybe, we can talk in a more civilized manner." I muttered with a cautious gaze. I suddenly remembered the directions that were given to me before I waltzed into the club.

"If you see him or anything remotely sketchy, call me through the earpiece."

"Civilized manner, eh?" Ceasar chuckled darkly as he took a step backwards, ultimately letting go of his grasp in me. My grip on his arm was dropped, and cold air replaced the warmth of his body. I hadn't even realized I was holding him up until how.

My hand travelled up to my occupied ear with the excuse that I had to tuck a strand behind it, when in reality, I wanted to call Jack and let him know.

But halfway there, Ceasar grabbed my wrist. He dragged me towards him and cupped the back of my neck firmly.

"No." He cooed. His stare travelled to my headset. "Consider yourself lucky that I haven't yet crushed that, and your ear along with it."

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