05 | An Unexpected Invitation

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Ada's Point Of View

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Ada's Point Of View

Walter James, Brie's ex-boyfriend, found dead in his home. Right arm separated from his shoulder. Weapon of death found on top of him, over a newspaper. 'Let the games begin' cut into his skin on his chest.

My fingers typed away furiously on my phone's keyboard. Despite the trembling of both hands, my expression implied nothing of my shaken state. An officer or two would bump into my paralyzed form occasionally, since I was standing inside a crime scene.

And this time, it was an innocent man's house we were in instead of a fundraiser venue.

Walter's body had long been taken away, along with the suspected murder weapon. The forensic analysts were now scouring his house in search for any other traces of the murderer.

Captain Jameson approached me just when I shut my phone and placed it back into my pocket. His eyebrows were knotted with frustration.

"Why did you come here all alone? You could have taken officers with you- Even Ryan or Jack."

"I was just going to have a chat with Walter, sir. I'm sorry I didn't know I'd find him mutilated." My irritation was leaking through, but Captain didn't notice. He trained his gaze on an analyst as she carried the bloodied knife out of the house, with it sealed inside a plastic bag.

"Did you touch anything?"

"The knife."

Jameson glanced at me and I grimaced subtly, knowing full well that was a stupid decision. Not only were my fingerprints on it, but the ones that could have been there previously were now smudged.

"Ada, I need to talk to you." Jack huffed from somewhere beside me. I turned to watch him regain his breaths as if he were running, and from the corner of my eye, I could spot our Captain dismissing himself. Jack held the bloodied newspaper with a gloved hand, and his other fumbled to pull his phone out.

"There's a cutout hole in this, did you notice?"

My eyes inspected the stained sheet, and surely enough, there was. How I managed to miss it was beyond me.

"So..." Jack began as he opened up the picture he had taken of the anonymous letter I received. No one but him, me and Ryan knew about it. And I planned on keeping it that way.

"I'm guessing some of the words in the letter were retrieved from this newspaper. Whoever killed Walter is the same person who sent you this. They placed this newspaper on him purposely- alright give me a minute, I'm not gonna eat it." He snapped mid-explanation to an analyst nearby, who waited for Jack to hand him the sheet of evidence.

Without thinking, I grabbed the sides of Jack's face and planted a rather firm kiss on the spot between his eyebrows. He snapped his stare towards me, and my surprise prevented me from being affected by the disbelief on his countenance.

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