21 | A Thrilling Escape pt. 2

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

"Initiating lockdown. A patient from Unit C has escaped."

As if a beast of sorts had broken loose in me, I ran. I ran with the strength of my entire being. At this point I didn't care for the mask that slid down my face, or the way pieces of my hair flew out of my ponytail.

To where was I headed? Anywhere but this place.


By the time that stupid fuck realized who I was, I had begun to near a corner of the hallway. Rapid stomps emanated from behind me with the threat of catching up, encouraging me to sprint even faster.

My fingers clutched the cold edge of the wall as I rounded the corner, but my worst nightmare came to life when I entered the new hallway.

Countless feet away was a horde of guards racing towards me. My legs slowed me down, and I glanced behind me. The man wasn't there, but at this rate, I was sure it won't take him long to find me.

Oh god. We're thoroughly fucked-

A piercing shriek ripped from my throat and ringed in my ears when rough hands grabbed at one of my arms. The force they hauled me with left me flying into a dark abyss. Something slammed shut shortly after.

Rough hands groped my mouth, and another arm was wrapped around my front to keep me pinned against someone from behind. For a second I thought I died.

"Keep that pretty little mouth shut." Rasped a man in my ear, and I nodded slowly. My eyes slowly adjusted to my surroundings, giving me time to realize we were in a storeroom of sorts. There was no source of illumination- nothing but darkness swallowed us both. We were both planted against the door of the room.

The man sucked in a breath and I did the same when the shouts from outside grew louder with proximity. His clutch on my mouth had tightened to the extent of being painful, but I was far too tense to worry about that.

"Did you hear that?"

"Where did she go? I was just chasing her."

"I saw her too, but we were too far to see anything properly. It's like she disappeared into thin air."

"She must have jumped from here, the ground floor is right below this-"

"We don't have time! Split up and search every corridor. Have someone check the dorms too, in case she decides to hide there."

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