16 | Triple Outsmarting

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"This entire time, that sick fuck's been using this-" Ada held up the phone that Ceasar had delivered to her ever so kindly

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"This entire time, that sick fuck's been using this-" Ada held up the phone that Ceasar had delivered to her ever so kindly. "It not some puny cellphone, Jack. It's a tracking device. To make things worse, it doesn't just give away my location. The microphone is bugged to listen to its surrounding, meaning, he could hear every single thing I had said so far."

"And you've been carrying it with you almost everywhere you went for the investigation."

Jack's tensed forehead relaxed in realization. He pushed himself off of the couch in his living room and strolled towards the pacing woman. Ada handed him the device, and Jack took his time to inspect it.

"His messages delete right after you've viewed them, leaving no trace."

"Yes." Ada hissed. "Why else do you think I haven't talked to Captain about it? He'd remove me from the case for making 'false accusations'. God, I don't know what kind of dog food Ceasar feeds him."

Just then, the women in her head spoke up, and surprisingly, both had very valid points.

It's called money, Ada. He's been feeding Jameson some cash. No I think he gets cat food. Tuna flavored, since he's nothing more than a puss-


She put a pause to both her strides and internal bickering to face him when he called her name. Jack slid the batteries out from behind the phone to turn it off all the way, then slowly lifted his head to stare at Ada. After a moment or two, mischief dulled his previously wary eyes.

"Did it not occur to you?"

"What?" Ada raised a quizzical brow, her hands now on her waist. To see Jack slightly playful was a welcomed change from his usual gloomy body language, but she was more concerned with what he tried to say.

"Ceasar's own trap can be used against him."

Ada was clearly confused for no more than a second, before it dawned upon her. Her mouth opened wide when she put it together, and Jack gave a firm nod.

"You mean-"

"Lure him out, like the rat he is."


Ada drummed her fingers on the table she was seated at, with her elbows resting atop it. Her lips were pursed in determination, and the earpiece strapped to her ear gave out the words of Jack from the other end of the line.

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