19 | Madi

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

Time was no longer of the essence to me. Seconds would turn to minutes, and minutes would turn to hours.

All I would do was sit on the edge of my bed, my legs hanging limply. My palms would be planted flat against the mattress, and my eyes would be trained on the clock hanging on a wall. Even though I watched its needles turn, I had no clue how much time had passed by.

My only source of entertainment would be the bland meals that the nurses would provide me with, or the urine and blood tests they'd take. Other than that, I'd had about four therapy sessions with Dr. William so far, once daily, and that led me to believe I was admitted to the psyche ward about four days ago.

Bizarrely, I could recall not one word from those sessions.

One minute I'm walking into the room with one of the few people I trusted in the ward, and the next, I was waking up in the bed of my dorm. My head would be foggy due to a lingering ache. Both the memories and the women inside my mind would usually be quiet. It had been a while since I last responded to their bickering, no matter how amusing they were. I simply didn't have the stamina.

"Ada?" Three knocks resounded from the closed door, and the handle moved downwards so Nurse Anne could peek her head in. She was a young blonde, and always wore this bright smile that put me at ease.

"Your visitor is here. He'll come in when you're ready."

Fuck's sake. What if it's Jack?

I tore my gaze away from the clock to glance at the grinning Anne, then I nodded. She disappeared shortly after. I heard murmurs from outside- some belonging to the nurse and the others being awfully familiar.

The door opened again, but for some reason, I couldn't look at the person entering. I glared away at a wall, clearly lost in a trance. The crinkling of plastic echoed as the individual walked closer, and they placed what I guessed to be a bouquet of flowers on my nightstand.

The figure then stopped right before me, forcing me to eye the black turtleneck they- or he wore. It was tucked into this dark grey pants of sorts, creating a classy outfit. It was the exact opposite of mine, I had on nothing but a dull gray maxi. It resembled a hospital gown.


God, that voice. It was bittersweet hearing him again, when it should have been plain bitter. His hands were slotted in his slacks' pockets, and he slipped one out. It seemed that he contemplated on reaching out for me but changed his decision mid-way.

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