13 | The Third Musketeer

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Ada shot up from her lying position with a choked gasp, like a diver out of breath who'd re-emerge from under a body of water

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Ada shot up from her lying position with a choked gasp, like a diver out of breath who'd re-emerge from under a body of water. Her sight had given up on her momentarily until it drifted back in gradually.


Blinding white lights pierced her eyes, and she blinked slowly. She saw her lower body seated on a hospital bed. Ada lifted her line of sight to take in her surroundings- which turned out to be a hospital room. Her head felt heavy like it weighed a thousand pounds, and needles of numbness pricked her skin.

"Officer Ada?" Captain Jameson asked, standing near the edge of the bed, and this time, Ada heard him loud and clear. She looked at him then at the police officer next to him, who Ada would exchange casual greetings with in the police station.

"Can you remember anything-"

"Shut the fuck up for one minute, god damn." She rasped to the Captain as she clutched her head. Upon realizing who she just spoke to in such a way, her eyes flew wide open.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's alright I suppose. You did get hit in the head, so it's fine."

A pained groan left Ada and she gripped her head tighter, when a thunderous headache threatened to rip her scalp open. Jameson's statement inadvertently forced her to recall what made her end up like this, and the events rushing to her memory made the migraine all the more unbearable.

"Open the fucking door Ada."

"Then why didn't you save me?"

"Take it out on me and not on your own self."

The fact that Ceasar blacked her out pissed her off to no extent, but when she realized why he did so, panic shot through her heart.

"Where is- ah shit." She hissed again and closed her eyes as the headache made itself known. Jameson patted her shoulder with pursed lips.

"Rest for a little while, you'll need it. I'll see you soon."

Ada watched him and the officer exchange unreadable looks, before they turned around to head for the exit. It was then that she realized the unspoken sorrow that hung in the air. She visibly searched for her phone and the one that Ceasar had given her, and surely enough, they were resting on the table nearby. Ada had swung her legs over to hang from the bed so she could reach out, but Jack's presence startled her.

"Jack, can you-"

All the words went down her throat when she noticed Jack planted in the doorway, his eyes trained on the floor. He looked lost. His hair was messed up, and one of his hands clutched the door frame. Ada hadn't once observed him in such a condition, and she couldn't fathom what the reason behind it could be right now.

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