09 | Puzzles and Family Trauma

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

"You know..."

Ryan and Jack had put a pause to their babbling to look at me. Catching their attention when they're bickering is usually difficult, but this was the first time I spoke up in the past two hours so they were bound to shut up.

Instead of sleeping like a normal human being, I had called them over in the dead of the night to discuss our findings, and here we were sitting on a carpet in my bedroom. Of course, neither of them was asleep either when I called. Ryan had even commented on how I interrupted his binge-watching.

"I really don't understand why Ceasar would do this. Why go through all that trouble to ruin her life, when he could have easily killed her and asked his men to hide her body? And then, if that's not enough, he starts this sick game with me when he could easily take me out as well."

"Funny you should ask that." Ryan said. "I was actually watching The Dark Knight before I came here. There's this quote in there; 'Some men just want to watch the world burn.'"

I nodded a few times as I recalled that too. Alfred had referred to the Joker when he said that to Bruce.

"Ceasar gets a kick out of fucking with people's mind, Ada. The fact that he has a personality disorder makes it worse because he uses it to fuel his sick interests, instead of using it for the good. And then there's you who- ow." Ryan stopped mid explanation when Jack smacked his shoulder with a clenched fist.

Of course, I had let them in on every single thing that took place in the past few days. From the date up to my private meeting with Mr. Wane. I did tell them about Ceasar's mindset of me being just like him, but I didn't let them know about my symptoms that did somehow confirm his thought.

"Let's just consider for one second that you do have a multiple personality disorder, which by the way I think is very likely because of how moody you are- I swear to fucking god if you hit me again." He threatened Jack, who glared back at him with a sneer.

"That's not how it works, shitface. At least try being a little sympathetic."

"Oh I'm sorry I try to be a better friend to Ada by being honest."

"There's a difference between being honest and being stupid as fuck." Jack then turned to me, and I knew he was about to ask whose side I'm on. But he remained quiet upon inspecting my features. He arched a confused brow.

My arms huddled both my knees together. My head was tilted to the side, and an endearing smile shone on my face. The two didn't realize how sane their arguments kept me. Ironically, they managed to stop me from falling over the edge instead of driving me crazy.

"At this rate, we're never going to get work done." Ryan huffed, and he made sure to side-eye Jack with mild hatred.

"While you were out there kicking ass, we decided to combine our braincells and crack some codes." Jack flipped the papers laid out on the floor towards me so I could have a better look. There were four printed sheets of the two newspapers, both the front and the back sides. And then the fifth was the actual letter that Ceasar had mailed to me.

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