26 | Appreciation

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"Krokodil. Salvia. Ecstasy. I could go on for hours." Ada murmured as she dropped the last packet onto a table lined with plastic wrap, which housed countless other packets filled with various powders and plants.

"I don't think you understand how severe this is." Officer Lana spoke up from beside Ada. "These are all very rare. Really hard to find, and trucks of cash are needed for a purchase of just a few grams. I'm sure these were shipped internationally, and let's not even talk about the exporting costs- that's also another story."

The team was currently in the backyard of Jack's house. There were large umbrellas present that acted as a ceiling, so no nosy neighbors could peek in.

Some of the officers were busy examining the illegal weapons they managed to get their hands upon, some were nearby the drugs alongside Ada and Lana, whilst others were roughing up a few men they managed to arrest.

The club itself had been shut down by the precinct when they were informed by the officers. Captain Jameson and the Commissioner didn't know that the brains behind the operation were actually Jack and Ada.

"I mean he's filthy rich. It probably wasn't too hard for him."

"Not just that, Detective. He must also have a shit ton of connections to be able to contact the buyers. Lozano is no doubt powerful- both in the underworld and in the business world." Lana explained, her eyebrows etched with worry. Ada already knew all of this, so she wasn't really surprised.

"Now all we gotta do is figure out a way to show this all to Captain."

"Yeah, and even though this has nothing to do with the Brie Nelson Case, it's solid evidence to convict Ceasar as an illegitimate drug dealer. I mean, he literally owned the club, and the shit was found there. Surely, he knows about it."

Ada nodded a few times, and her respect for Lana grew by a tenfold. In fact, she started to get along with everyone else too the more she got to know them. Jack's idea of asking for their help was indeed phenomenal.

So far, she learned their names to be; Lana, Daniel, Risha, Yuan, Jenna, Ahmed, and Oliver.

"Any luck?" She called out to Jack as he stood by and watched the bouncer, waiter, and a barista get beat up. He turned his head towards her and shook his head with a frown.

"The fuckers are keeping their mouth sealed."

The plan was to make them squeal and give out the location of Ceasar's headquarters. The one where he does the dirty work specifically, because his enterprise building was already destroyed by Ada.

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