27 | A Final Showdown

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Ada's Point of View

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Ada's Point of View

Culprit: Ceasar Lozano

Status: |

The cursor blinked next to 'Status' in the notes file on my phone. I held it up, my eyes digging into it as my fingers hovered over the keyboard, like they were paralyzed.

I couldn't remember the last time I needed my digital journal. It was so odd that now, I had begun retaining the information instead of letting it fly right out of my head.

That's because I'm the one keeping onto it, dumb whore. I'm the one constantly reminding you of shit so you don't have to pull your phone out every two seconds. So you're going to take all of the credit?

I smiled. A real smile. It reached my eyes, and I let out a soft sigh. Truly, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Madi and her. The ones I thought to be my weakness became my very strength.

Sliding the phone into a pocket on my pants, I turned my head to glance at Jack sitting beside me on the car's driver's seat. His forehead was wrinkled, either out of concern or because he was in deep thought.

"I think we should get going." I say gently so as to not startle him. Jack immediately returned the eye contact, and after a few moments, nodded.

"I may or may not come out aliv-"

"For fuck's sake, Ada-" He gritted out, cutting me off. "Quit it with that crap. Nothing's happening to you."

My face fell flat. Though his care for me was endearing, it was also frustrating to see him in denial.

"I'm giving you a heads up. You can't expect us to go through with this operation without losing lives, let's be a little realistic here."

That got him silent. I didn't say anything more, and after casting him one last glance, I flung my door open and climbed out, my arm hooking around the car's roof to balance myself.

Countless police cars were gathered nearby us, as well as a few vans of the SWAT team. Everyone was standing on a deserted highway road, which was several meters away from our destination. They all had their eyes on it, and I too fixed my stare on the place.

I had seen several warehouses in my life before, but none of them matched the size of this particular one. It was fucking huge, and being in a lone and middle-no-where location helped that it had so much free ground. Not to mention the avoidance of uninvited guests.

Guards dressed in black patrolled the structure- not like that was needed, since no one but the people who knew of the location would come here. We were quite far so they couldn't spot our army. Not yet.

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