10 | Heads or Bullets

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Ada stood far to the side, nearby the large table that Captain Jameson was seated on in the city's public square

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Ada stood far to the side, nearby the large table that Captain Jameson was seated on in the city's public square. A microphone rested nearby his lips. The investigator could see his mouth move, but she couldn't hear a single thing.

Countless chairs were placed facing Captain, with reporters and journalists fidgeting in the seats, their tongues tingling with inquiries. The segment of questions was soon to come, and they couldn't wait.

Ryan and Jack accompanied their third musketeer. Unlike her, both their eyes and attention was fixated on the Captain, whereas hers were on the screen of her phone. They were a bit concerned for Ada, but when one of them tried to pry, she shut them off.

Ada's hands trembled as she struggled to hold the phone up properly. Her stare glided over the words, but no matter how much she tried, they just wouldn't make sense. Dark eye bags surrounded her gaze because of the lack of sleep. It had been an entire week since she last slept for at least an hour, and the voices in her head increased their tormenting. More than usual.

Her condition was getting worse. Just when the thought of seeing a therapist crossed her mind, she slammed her head against a wall repeatedly until it left.

When did Mr. Wane die? She had asked herself as her eyebrows knotted together in confusion. Ada read over the typed notes more than a few times, but she still couldn't remember witnessing such a thing.

And overall, she felt numb. At times she couldn't tell if she was alive or dead, because she couldn't feel her body. Her episodes of disassociation had been occurring more frequently too, and they lasted much longer.

"Ada." Ryan said as he elbowed her, and she directed her glower towards him.

"Your phone has been ringing."

And right after his observation, Ada registered the muffled blaring of a device. It clearly wasn't coming from the phone in her hands, it was coming from a pocket on her pants.

It was ringing from the phone Ceasar had given her.

She then realized that the annoyed stare of the Captain was on her, as well a few other reporters. Embarrassed, she pulled the phone out and took a few step away to separate herself. Jack and Ryan swapped looks of concern, then looked back at her. She was clearly not acting like herself these days, but they knew talking to her about it would make her defensive. They returned their attention to the press conference.

"Hello, Ada."

Ceasar greeted once Ada picked up the call, and she sucked in a breath. Tingles erupted all over her skin and not in a good way. She grew nauseous, and the need to black out suddenly surfaced.

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