Chapter Three

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The mysterious man stood front and centre of the group, giving off an intimidating aura around him. He pulled down the hood of his long black leather jacket. Revealing a unique shade of pale blue hair that messily cascaded down to his shoulders. He wore a black v-neck shirt, black ankle-grazing pants and a pair of red sneakers. He appeared to be looking in my direction but I wasn't certain due to the peculiar choice of mask concealing his face.

I couldn't move, my feet were frozen in place.

How is he able to see with that thing on his face? Is it a real hand? And why can't I move? Move your damn feet, Mina! Everyone is staring.

A loud disgruntled cough from behind broke me out of my trance. Kai raised his well-groomed eyebrows, quickly darting his eyes to the side—a hint for me to move out of the way. It was clear that he was not amused with my odd behaviour. Not wanting to anger him more than I already had this morning, I quickly obeyed and hopped over to the corner, nervously fiddling around with the straps of my mask.

"Wow. Do your eyes always glow like that? They're so pretty!!"

An overly excited voice chimed out. A petite girl, only a fraction shorter than me with big honey yellow eyes was standing right in front of me. Leaning in close to examine me further, so close that I could feel her soft metallic breath fanning across my chin and neck.

I assumed she was young from the traditional Japanese school uniform she was wearing, which had some questionable looking red blotches littered over the white fabric. Ash blond hair was styled up into two cute messy buns on the sides of her head, multiple strands of hair hanging loosely from them.

"Is it something to do with your quirk? I would love to see it, please would you show me more?!" Her sweet little voice pleaded as she inched closer, her nose practically touching my chin.

Her pale small hands reached out to grab mine that was still gripping anxiously onto the mask. She jolted at the contact of my fingernails gently grazing across her skin. It was then that I realised my quirk was still activated.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that!" I gasped out in horror at hurting not only someone that I just met but a guest of Kai's. I could feel him watching me, his scorching look boring two holes into the side of my head.

I guess that's why she was so mesmerised with my eyes then. They were probably still glowing from having my quirk left on.

My claws and fangs slowly retracted and my eyes returned to a normal lifeless green.

"That's okay, barely even a scratch," giggling lightly as she raised her hand to show a tiny little scrape left behind, her tongue flicked out to lick the tiny droplet of blood that had seeped out of the shallow scratch.

"Toga, please leave the girl alone. Your excessive rambling is starting to piss me off," said the strange masked man as he scratched his neck profusely.

Toga moaned, pouting her lips as she reluctantly returned to the two men. Flashing me a friendly grin before turning her attention back to the group and the conversation at hand.

My mask was now fixed securely back onto the lower half of my face, my hands linked together in front of me, anxiously twiddling my thumbs. I wasn't paying attention to the conversation that was going on in front of me. Still shaken up from the incident between myself and Kai that had happened just minutes before. My insecurities started filling my mind abruptly.

Did they hear us? They were right outside the door, they must have heard everything Kai said to me... Oh god, what have I done?

The only thing that I had picked up from the conversation so far was that the young girl's name was Toga, who would constantly glance over at me during the meeting, blushing a pretty pink every time our eyes met. The other guy in the group was named Bubaigawara, but he was mostly referred to as Twice.

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