A/N Hello, author here! If you have received the notification for this added chapter, then I just wanted to clarify that this isn't new content. I've edited the entire story, it was in dire need of a tidy-up! So, keep in mind if you are currently in the process of reading through Unwanted then you might notice a change in style and format in the writing. Nothing major has been altered with the plot.
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I've always been lonely. It's not unfamiliar for an orphan to encounter such a dismal emotion, nevertheless, I endured it. Growing up on the streets is hard for any normal person, only those with a strong will to live can survive—if living is what you can really call it.
I always felt it was in my best interest to keep to myself and not to get wrapped up in other people and their lives. It was hard, the empty hole in my chest was always aching. Desperate for companionship, for the need to be wanted by someone—anyone. A deep bond between two souls that you could only dream of having. To be loved.
But, I knew that was just a dream, an unrealistic fantasy...
There was no knight in shining white armour along the horizon, coming to sweep me off my feet with promises of everlasting love and a better life. I was just a skinny, dirty street rat after all, not the ideal man's type exactly.
Then one day, I was approached by a mysterious man. He held out his large white-gloved hand. Those beautiful golden orbs gazing down at me, making my heart flutter uncontrollably. He made me an offer to a fresh start, that I naively believed at the time would change my life for the better, but now I realise that I would have been better off dead.
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The pain was unbearable. I laid hunched up on the ground at the side of the road, my swollen cheek wet from what I can only imagine was my blood. A piercing pain shooting up through me with every sharp hiss of breath.
I knew I shouldn't have trusted those slimy bastards, but with the prospect of earning a quick buck I foolishly ignored the voice of reason inside my head.
Those fucking degenerates ambushed me. They set me up!
No one told me that the guy I was targeting was going to be accompanied by every damn thug in all of Japan. There was no way I was going to be able to take them all on, they were everywhere. None of it was worth the money...
I winced and looked down at the deep lacerations across the flat of my stomach and over the lengths of my trembling arms, blood pumping out of them at a worrying rate. "Shit." More blood spluttered out of my mouth as I started coughing uncontrollably—it was pretty clear to me then that my lungs were punctured.
No one knows where I am...Not a single car had passed down the road since I got there, it's unlikely that anyone was going to come now before I inevitably bled to death.
This is it...I'm going to die alone... Fuck, it hurts.
I groaned, more blood pouring out onto the road next to me, creating a large pool of the deep crimson liquid. Black spots formed in my vision, my eyes growing heavier with every passing second.
I don't know how long I can keep this up for.
The pain had started to fade but instead, a eerie chill started to slowly creep its way across my entire being, my hands and feet being the first to go numb. I closed my eyes, drowning in the endless darkness.
I guess this is the end.
"What happened to you?"
A silky male voice spoke out to me from beyond the shadows. An angel sent down from the heavens, there to answer my prayers no doubt.
I looked up through squinted eyes, my blurred bloodstained vision making it near enough impossible to see where the voice was coming from exactly. A mysterious figure crouched down in front of my beaten crumpled up body.
"Are you alone?"
"Please...help..." I mumbled, weakly.
"Are you alone?" The man repeated more stern than before.
I nodded my head. "Hmmm," he leaned forward, closer for me to see that half of his face was hidden behind a black mask.
"What's your name?"
"Mina..." I whispered.
"Speak up," he demanded.
"Mina," I repeated louder this time, my voice cracking hoarsely with the strain.
"How old are you Mina?"
"Just answer the question."
"Well Mina, I don't know what you did to deserve this and I don't particularly care but lucky for you we were in the area." I blinked through the haze, trying desperately to push back the darkness that was beckoning me.
An intense smell of lemons broke through the stench of blood. Was this his scent I was picking up?
"I can help you. I can heal you, would you like that?" His tone was soft and inviting.
"I will but only if you agree to come with me after. Join us."
Who is this man? Join what?
I didn't understand, why would he be asking a complete stranger to join him? He knew nothing about me. For all he knew, I could have been a complete and utter psycho.
"W-why...?" I stuttered, blood trickling out of the corner of my shivering lips.
"You are the young girl who's been killing my men, are you not?"
His men? The only targets I've had the last few weeks were Yakuza. Is that what he meant by joining him? Does he want me to join his Yakuza group? But if he knows that it was me killing his guys then why would he want to enlist me, surely it would just be better to let me die out here.
"Didn't know who...they...were...just needed...money," I croaked, my energy quickly waning.
"I don't really care about that, men are expendable . I can easily replace them. But what I am intrigued about is you. We've been watching you for the past couple of days and you really are something huh? This isn't exactly how I expected our first interaction would go but the important thing is that we found you just in time. So, do you have an answer?"
If they had been watching me then maybe this encounter wasn't a coincidence after all.
Finally, my eyes gained some focus and my heart stuttered at the heavenly sight of his liquid gold eyes that sparkled under the warm glow of the street light. He was tall with dark short auburn hair that looked so soft I had to wonder what it would feel like if I ran my fingers through it. The clothes he wore were pristine and expensive looking, the green bomber jacket with a thick purple fur collar alone was probably the equivalent to three months worth of bounties. He was a beautiful man, this much I could tell even with half of his face covered.
"Well?" He asked, offering a white silk gloved hand out to me.
I didn't know this man. I didn't know where he came from. I didn't even know his name. However, this charming handsome stranger was telling me he wanted me, no one in my life had ever given me a second glance. I had no idea what his true intentions were but the fact was that he wanted me and he was willing to help—that was enough for me.
"Yes...help me..." Reaching a trembling hand towards him.
"Wise decision Mina. Now let's put you back together and then we can discuss everything. God, you're filthy." The black mask crumpled up as his face beneath grimaced in disgust.
He pulled the silky material of the glove from the tip of his finger, slipping it off to reveal his large but delicate hand.
"Relax, this may feel a little strange."

Unwanted || Tomura Shigaraki
FanfictionTomura Shigaraki x Original Female Character ____________ At the age of eighteen, an orphaned Mina is welcomed into the yakuza group, the Shie Hassaikai. Only to be thrown into a life of imprisonment by their infamous leader, Overhaul. Two years hav...