The early autumn breeze was refreshing, flowing lightly through the rich layer of glossy fur that covered my current animalistic form. Bringing with it a sense of tranquillity and calmness to fall upon me.
I'd always loved this time of year, the slight crisp cold bite in the air, the crunching of fallen molten-red leaves with their golden hues that had scattered in the wind and the faint cloud-like puffs that left your lips with every exhale of breath.
It had been days since the altercation with Murayama's men and my fortuitous quirk awakening. And much to Tomura's discomfort, I was back in that very same meadow that the event culminated in—training hard with Iguchi to better understand the newfound power and strength.
We'd spent the majority of the day focusing on my control over switching back and forth between the two forms and on determining my limits. The last exercise he had me complete was running up to the summit of the steep forested hillside and back, having me repeat that multiple times—timing each time. It became tedious after the third or so attempt.
"Ten seconds faster than before, you're improving Mina!" Iguchi stood at the edge of the forest, timer in one hand and the other placed casually on to his hip—black baggy sweatpants hung loosely on them. Exposing a small glimpse of green-scaled skin below his powdery blue sweatshirt.
As I trotted over, I realised how much taller I stood over him in my feline form, his head being level to that of my shoulder blade. The subtle spicy scent wafting up from him tickled my sensitive nostrils.
I was still getting used to the increase in strength, so what would have normally been a playful nudge ended up with him losing his footing and stumbling back against the trunk of a tree.
Oh shit! I'm sorry Iguchi!
Instead of words, a sharp throaty inhale rumbled out of my fanged mouth.
"Woah there tiger!" He chuckled, regaining his balance before returning to my flank. "Still don't know your own strength, huh?"
I dropped my head down—shamefully, a disgruntled rattle releasing from deep inside my chest.
I had been working my ass off the past few days. Desperate to get a handle on it so that I would be able to protect everyone, instead of just waiting around pointlessly till one of them went and got themselves killed.
Sensing the sudden change in atmosphere and my slumped posture, he quickly tried to reassure me.
"Don't worry, it was nothing, you'll get the hang of it. I'm sure of it," he patted one of his coarse clawed hands down my neck, flashing me a toothy smile. A deeply satisfying grumble spilled out from my chest.
I hope so too.
We walked side by side back to the field, bumping into each other. His husky carefree laughs echoed out across the small clearing. Anyone would think we were lifelong friends at how much our friendship had blossomed over the past few weeks. Even when I was in my feline form we joked and mess around with one another.
Before we could reach our pile of belongings, the familiar portal of purple mist manifested just metres away. I didn't need to see who was about to walk through, the scent alone blowing through told me everything I needed to know.
Without any warning I bounded over like an oversized excited kitten, skidding to a halt in front of a startled Tomura. His face broke into an ecstatic expression when he realised it was me, a smile that only I was ever blessed to receive.
"Nice to see you too, kitten." A light amount of humour to his tone. He reached up, cautious not to allow all five fingers to come into contact with me, and slowly caressed down the side of my face.

Unwanted || Tomura Shigaraki
FanfictionTomura Shigaraki x Original Female Character ____________ At the age of eighteen, an orphaned Mina is welcomed into the yakuza group, the Shie Hassaikai. Only to be thrown into a life of imprisonment by their infamous leader, Overhaul. Two years hav...