Chapter Twenty Three

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I never wanted to let him go. Tomura's slender arms were still securely wrapped around my body—cautious with his exposed hands so that he didn't unintentionally hurt me.

I pressed my face harder against his neck, the feeling of his strong pulse against my chilled cheek was strangely calming. It helped keep the unabating despair at bay. I felt safe in his arms.

I was so wrapped up in Tomura that I hadn't realised that we were no longer sat on the bar floor, being observed by everyone.

The warm glow from his bedroom lamp crept its way into my peripheral.

"Don't worry, I'll get her all cleaned up but I'm gonna need you to put her down Shiggy," Himiko's soft feminine voice made me realise that we are were still not alone.

My fingers gripped the dark material of his top, every muscle fibre tensing up.

Don't let me go. Please don't leave me. Once he finds out the disgusting and vile person I really am he won't want me. He'll only see me as a slut. He won't ever want to hold me like this ever again...

I gasped desperately for air as the portending panic attack crept up in my chest. Squeezing all the air out of my lungs.

He noticed me suddenly tensing up and peered down, tilting his head so that his nose could nudge away the few strands of hair covering my ear.

"Hey, it's going to be okay Mina," he hushed softly, planting a sweet peck to my temple. "It will only take a few minutes, you'll be fine, I promise," he slowly lowered me down to the ground.

A weak whimper escaped my lips from the sudden separation from his warmth. I quickly wrapped my arms back around him.

Normally the thought of a warm bubble bath would be heavenly, especially when my body felt like it had been hit by a double-decker bus, but at that moment, I couldn't care less about a stupid bath. All I needed was Tomura. He was all I needed.

His index finger slipped under my chin, directing my head up to gaze at him.

"I'll be right outside the door. I'm not going anywhere," his soft crimson eyes lovingly gazed down at me.

I hope you mean it.

I flinched at the feeling of Himiko's gentle touch on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Mimi, I'll have you washed up and back in his arms before you know it,"  a friendly smile plastered across her face instantly put me at ease.

Turning back to Tomura, I contemplated on what I should do. I rested my forehead against him, taking one last deep inhale of his sweet aroma for a breath of courage to let go, before taking a step back.

Himiko threaded her fingers through mine, clamping our hands together tightly as she carefully led us both into the bathroom. I quickly peered back over my shoulder hoping to catch one last glance of Tomura but Himiko had already shut the door behind us.

The bathtub was filled to the brim with steaming hot water, tinted blush pink, with a layer of white fluffy bubbles covering the surface. A pleasant rose and fig scent filled the room from the rising steam of the bathwater.

"Do you need some help getting undressed?" Himiko asked.

I dragged my tired eyes away from the mesmerising swirls and looked to the blonde girl patiently waiting for my reply.

I tucked my chin in, a bashful confirmation—embarrassed in my need for assistance on something so simple. However, in my current state, I knew I wouldn't be able to do the task alone and I just wanted to be done with it as quickly as possible so I could return to Tomura.

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