Chapter Four

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Did my ears betray me or did he just say he wants me?! Why would he want me, I'm not special. I've not even spoken a single word to him yet.

My jaw practically hit the floor, leaving my mouth to dry up like the Sahara Desert. I swallowed hard, trying to bring some of the moisture back. The shock of his unforeseen request had left me completely dumbfounded.

The tension in the room was now so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Y-you want me?" I finally managed to spurt out, stumbling over my words hectically while I gestured hesitantly to myself.

"Yes, that's what I said isn't it?" he rhetorically asked.

Toga and Twice were taken back, looking from me and then back to Shigaraki. The blonde girl's lips curled up into an enormous wolfish grin, giggling wildly to herself.

My heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to burst right out of my chest. Even though his face was hidden from me I could still feel his gaze burning into me. A deep blush swept across my face, the heat radiating from my cheeks. I nervously looked away, having the spotlight directed at me was making me feel on edge.

My eyes met Kai. He noticed my unusually flustered reaction and furrowed his eyebrows down into a suspicious frown.

"What's your name?"

My attention was brought back to the blue-haired man who had taken a few steps closer to me.

"I-it's M..."

"No." Kai interrupted sternly. "I told you not to say a word Mina," he growled, now standing up, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

"Mina, huh?" Shigaraki rubbed just below his chin. "What is it you do here?"

"What do I do?" Unsure of what he meant by that.

"Your role in this organisation. I assume that by attending this meeting today that you must be of some importance. Am I correct?"

Important? I would say I was far from important to anyone here. To anyone at all.

"I wouldn't say I'm important, I here..." I answered, looking anxiously over at Kai who was glaring right at me. How else could I describe my situation?

"Stop. She has nothing to do with this," Kai stepped in again.

"Not important? Doesn't seem that way from where I'm standing," Shigaraki said in a smug tone, clearly referring to Kai's sudden interest in my existence.

"From what I've already seen you seem to have a quirk that I think could be very useful to me," he turned his attention from he to look back over his shoulder at Kai instead. "You did say you wanted us to trust each other, and if you're going to be taking some of my most valuable members then I think it's only fair that I get to have just one of yours. Don't you agree? It seems like a waste to lock up such potential. The League could benefit from someone like her."

Kai quickly strode around the coffee table to stand directly in front of the blue-haired man, preventing the villain to get any closer to me. His hands shook in anger. Panic began to build up in my chest as I feared for the man's life.

Wait... why should I care about this man? He's a stranger and a villain on top of that. I shouldn't be fearing for this man's life! But, then I couldn't live with myself if I knew that he was killed because of me.

I reached out to place my hand on the enraged man's shoulder—an attempt to calm him. "Kai, please, calm down," I softly muttered. He reached up and snatched my wrist, tossing me hard to the ground.

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