Chapter Seven

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"How come it's just me that has to be all dressed up? Aren't you supposed to be coming with me?" I whined as I was pulled down the staircase.

Toga had changed out of her school girl outfit and into a plain black tank top, paired with some ripped black jeans. Her champagne coloured hair still held up into her signature messy buns.

"Of course I'm still going with you but there's no need for me to dress up, it's kind of complicated to explain but I'll just show you when we get there."

"Show me what?" Furrowing my brows in confusion.

"Stop stalling and get your fine ass down there!" she shouted, cracking her hand across one side of my rear before pushing me through the door that led into the bar.

"Toga," I growled.

She giggled and walked around me, acting oblivious to the fact that she had slapped my ass.

"We're ready! Doesn't Mina look hot?" Peering at me from the corner of her eye, smirking wildly.

Kurogiri, Shigaraki and Twice were the only ones left, the others had all vacated to the confinements of their own rooms. Kurogiri was the first to look up and notice my presence.

"You look lovely," he commented in his typically polite tone, before returning to the task of drying glasses behind the bar.

Twice jumped up from his seat at the bar, the white eyeholes of the tight mask slowly widening, he circled around me drinking up my new appearance.

"Wow, you look so different. Meh, you're alright," rubbing his chin throughout the contradicting conversation with himself. I punched his arm lightly. "Oh shut it Twice, it's just a dress and a bit of makeup, nothing special about it."

Toga and Twice started chatting amongst themselves, giggling like a couple of kindergartens.

Such a cute pair.

I turned to look back at the one person whose opinion mattered the most—for reasons even I couldn't explain. Still hunched over the bar, oblivious to what was going on around him. Pale blue tresses hung down to fall across his face. I purposefully chose that moment to clear my throat, anything to gain his attention.

Still nothing.

"Tomura," Kurogiri uttered.

"What?" he snapped at his subordinate harshly. Kurogiri nodded his misted head in my direction.

Shigaraki moaned and slowly turned on the bar stool. Tired crimson eyes met mine, widening and coming to life as he took me in. His posture suddenly changed as he sat upright, his mouth falling open ever so slightly. He gulped back and started to slowly drag his eyes down my body, scanning every inch.

Flushing deeply, I feel increasingly self-conscious under his wandering gaze. I looked down and pinched at the hem of my short dress, an attempt to distract myself.

"So, what do you think? Is it too much?" I anxiously asked, peering back up. My heart was beating so incredibly fast in my chest as I awaited his response.

He held my gaze, eyes flashing with an emotion that I couldn't determine, he seemed to be completely lost in thought.

"Shigaraki?" I called to him, drawing him out of his daze.

The look on his face suddenly hardened and returned to his sullen hunched over position at the bar.

"Hmph, whatever, it doesn't matter what you look like, just don't go and get yourself caught," his raspy voice was low and uninterested.

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