"Yuta Kimura...?" I stared wide-eyed at the towering man standing a mere few feet away from me. Long forgotten feelings flooded back into me at the sight of the familiar man.
"Oh my god, it is you!" Yuta rushed over in a flash, sweeping my small body up into a bone-crushing bear hug. The unanticipated action evoked a squeal of surprise while he twirled me around as if I weighed next to nothing. He held me tight against the hard, stone-like chest of his. It was like he thought that I might vanish into a puff of smoke, to never see me again.
"I-I can't believe it's my little Mina! I was so worried when I heard you had been attacked and then I-I hear you get picked up by the Yakuza. And, I thought that was it! That they had found out about what you had been doing. So I-I ran straight to their base and demanded to see you but they wouldn't let me in! Every day I came. Every day for two damn weeks, but they wouldn't tell me a single fucking thing about you. Then that guy, the one with the mask? Overhaul?" He took a deep rushed breath of air, steadying himself before returning straight back into his panicked rambling, giving me no opportunity to either confirm or deny his assumption. "Yeah, he came out and showed me a picture of you on his phone. You looked happy and healthy in it." I pressed my face further into his neck, listening silently to his inordinate babbling, a smile pulling at the corners of my lips as my childhood friend continued to blather on like a madman.
Wait, did he say Kai spoke to him? He never told me that... And, a picture of me happy? That sounds unlikely.
Then again, it wasn't that bad when I thought back to those early days. I had gone from having next to nothing, just the clothes on my back. To having a comfy bed, hot meals, clean expensive clothes, and someone who appeared to be truly interested in me. I was a happy naive child, lapping up every single drop of attention I was so desperately craving.
"The guy said you two were... a thing," a pang of disappointment flashed over his features. "That you were happier with him. I didn't want to intrude on your chance of having the life you always dreamed of so I left... Then years later, I start hearing some of the regulars here speak about the Yakuza leader, Overhaul. One spoke of how he got the chance to meet him in person to talk over some drug deal..."
If he doesn't slow down and take a moment to breathe he's gonna pass out! I guess some things haven't changed. Always the chatterbox.
"Said he had a pretty little thing at his side. Looked broken. I knew it was you the moment they mentioned the colour of the girl's eyes—like emeralds," he pulled back far enough to look deeply at me, with those big gorgeous bronze eyes. I hadn't realised how much I had missed them till now.
"They said the poor thing looked dead on the inside and her body was black and blue..." His voice trailed off at the end, metallic eyes welling up with tears.
"Oh Yuta, please don't cry. If you start then you know I'm gonna start blabbering like a baby!" Patting his smoothly shaven cheek, his strong arms still hovering me an inch above the ground.
"I should never have left you there, maybe if I..."
I pushed against his broad shoulders, bringing his gaze back to me. My expression was now serious. I couldn't have him think that everything that had happened to me was a result of something that he had done. The idea was preposterous.
"Yuta, none of it was your fault. I was young and naive. I'm the one responsible. I never should have believed him. It's my fault," I stroked away a rogue tear that had escaped his eye.
"Now, can you please put me down before I lose all feeling in my legs," kicking out against his knees. A deep throaty laugh resonated from out of his chest.

Unwanted || Tomura Shigaraki
FanfictionTomura Shigaraki x Original Female Character ____________ At the age of eighteen, an orphaned Mina is welcomed into the yakuza group, the Shie Hassaikai. Only to be thrown into a life of imprisonment by their infamous leader, Overhaul. Two years hav...