Where am I? It's so dark—too dark. I'm so alone. Why has no one come to save me? The screaming, it won't stop. It never stops.
I can see a door, is someone there? There's light coming from the other side. What is in there? The screams get louder the closer I get.
I push the door slightly, but the smell hits me. It makes me feel sick. Blood, who's is it?
I go to push the door further and thats when I see it. A tall figure standing over something.
Who are they? What is it they're looking at? A body? Is that where all the blood is coming from?
Now I can smell lavender. I've always hated the smell of lavender—too floral and aromatic.
The screaming gets so fucking loud. Please, someone make it stop.
Why is no one helping me? Someone save me. Please. I'm scared. I can't breathe. I can't move. I can't speak.
Please help.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
I jolted up, a layer of cold sweat covering my trembling body. I gripped onto my chest, fisting the fabric of the black top—clinging to my clammy skin—into my hands.
Even after what felt like the millionth time of having this dream it still scares the shit out of me. And every time, it somehow makes me feel even more alone. Not sure how that could even be possible...
This was something I was used to now. Every night, the same exact dream.
I drew in deep breaths, my body on the verge of breaking down, but as always not a single tear was shed. Something was desperately trying to claw its way out from deep within my mind. A fragment from my forgotten past, trying to remind me of something important but every time I tried to remember I was met with a blank wall. I had nothing, no happy childhood memories. Not even bad ones. Nothing.
There was no point sitting there any longer though, wallowing in my self-pity. I needed to get out of that room. I looked at the digital alarm clock on my bedside table.
03:22 AM
Everyone would be in bed by now and my throat was irritatingly dry. I could quickly pop down and grab a glass of water, no one would even notice.
I tiptoed down the hallway to the staircase, taking a brief second to sniff the air for anyone's scent before opening the door to the bar. It seemed to be clear. Once I had finally quenched my thirst, I made my way back up, stepping as lightly across the wooden floor as I possibly could. One of the doors was open a fraction, a warm light glowing from inside.
Who else could be up at this time? I should just go back to bed...but maybe one look wouldn't hurt.
I moved closer to the gap, edging my foot slowly forward, not realising that the floorboard I was about to step down on was loose. A loud creak pierced through the silence. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, hopelessly begging that no one had heard it.
"Who's there? Is that you Toga? It's too late for your shitty little games," a raspy voice called out from beyond the door.
Damn it, they heard.
"No i-it's Mina actually," I announced, warily. My heart thumped as I recognised the raspy voice. Of course, it had to be his door!
"Mina? Come in."

Unwanted || Tomura Shigaraki
FanfictionTomura Shigaraki x Original Female Character ____________ At the age of eighteen, an orphaned Mina is welcomed into the yakuza group, the Shie Hassaikai. Only to be thrown into a life of imprisonment by their infamous leader, Overhaul. Two years hav...