The morning arrived, and I savoured the pleasantness of having slept peacefully through the night. My hand stretched out across the sheet next to me in search of the person responsible, but the space that Shigaraki was originally residing in was stone cold. I sat up quickly, my eyes still half-lidded with sleep and my hair an unruly mess.
I searched around the dark unfamiliar room, switching the bedside lamp on, in hopes that maybe my tired filled eyes were playing a trick. However, when the golden glow of the lamp shone out over the gloomy room, he was nowhere to be seen.
I don't remember feeling him leave the bed. Did he even stay in it all night? But he promised he wouldn't leave...
Before my anxiety began to overtake all rational thoughts, the bathroom door clicked open. I relaxed at the sight of Shigaraki standing in the entrance, fresh out of the shower, damp pale blue hair falling carelessly over his face. His outfit the same as always, a long-sleeved black top paired with some plain black pants.
"Finally, your awake," he looked up, forehead creased as he noticed the worried expression I had. "Huh? Is something wrong?"
"It's nothing, just me being silly," running my fingers anxiously through my hair, easing out the knots. His eyes narrowed. "Don't lie to me, tell me, what's wrong?" His voice was stern.
"I-I just didn't know where you had gone and I was worried you had broken your promise..." I mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear.
He scoffed, eyes rolling in irritation.
"I told you I would stay all night, didn't I? I needed to take a shower and you were sleeping still, so, didn't think you would even notice."
"Yeah, sorry. Ignore me, I'm being an idiot," nervously chuckling.
"Stop apologising for god's sake, I'm tired of having to repeat myself," he walked across the room, picking up his phone from the bedside table, eyes scanning over the screen.
My entire posture slumped, the sudden cold attitude towards me took me completely by surprise. I thought after last night he would stop acting that way. I expected him to behave like it in front of the other members or villains, to keep up with appearances. I would never want to make him appear vulnerable because of me. Despite that, when it was the two of us alone, he was usually a lot kinder. Something was playing on his mind.
I was brought out of my daze when a hand petted the top of my head. Shigaraki looked down at me, a soft expression on his face.
"Sorry, I've got a lot going on at the moment."
It was then that I noticed how truly stressed he was, the evidence showing from the dark bags beneath his tired eyes and the sore skin below his right ear that had flared up brightly again. His scratching habit was a big indication to him being stressed. Since being here I had noticed he only ever did it when he was overly frustrated.
"It's okay, you've got the League to run, it's a lot for you to have to manage. I hope I haven't taken you away from your duties too much."
"The League is fine, Kurogiri and the others are more than capable of managing things without me. I've had...other things playing on my mind lately, but I'm working on it."
"Is there anything I can do to help?" I peered up at him with half-lidded sleepy eyes, through the thick set of lashes.
His brow furrowed together in frustration as if he was deeply debating something in his thoughts. I desperately wanted to know what it was that was troubling him so much but I was having difficulty trying to read him. His expression as always never gave anything away.

Unwanted || Tomura Shigaraki
FanfictionTomura Shigaraki x Original Female Character ____________ At the age of eighteen, an orphaned Mina is welcomed into the yakuza group, the Shie Hassaikai. Only to be thrown into a life of imprisonment by their infamous leader, Overhaul. Two years hav...