It hurt just a little bit.

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Mr. Stark no longer could spend every other day in the lab with him. Of course, he had better things to do. So, it hurt just a little bit.

Ned couldn't hang out with him as much, because his parents made him study more. It wasn't his fault. So, it hurt just a little bit.

And Flash never left him alone. "You're stupid, nobody needs you, freak!" and then a punch, and then another one. The bruises healed fast, but it still hurt a little bit.

The avengers treated him like a kid and never took him seriously. But he was just a kid. So, it hurt him just a little bit.

May had to work all the time and he almost didn't see her. She needed the money for him. So, it hurt just a little bit more.

Every time he could start talking people would find a reason for why they can't listen – I want to listen to music; I need to prepare for the class or I just don't want to listen to you ramble. And he knew he was too loud. So, it hurt just a little bit.

The only thing that kept him going was spider-man. Helping people was everything to Peter.

"Hey, Karen!"

"Yes, Peter?"

"Could you, please tell me, where are some crimes happening right now?"

"I'm sorry, Peter, there seem to be no crimes happening at this particular moment. Since you became spiderman crime ratings have gone down drastically."

Peter took off his mask. If even the people didn't need him, what was he doing here? Nobody needed him. To everybody he was just a burden. And it hurt so much. Together it all – all the little hurts, hurt so much.

He knew it was dangerous to think that, while you were sitting on a rooftop, but it all just hurt, and he wanted it to end. Peter called Ned and Mr. Stark. May was working and he didn't want to bother her.

Mr. Stark picked up. "Hey, kid, make it quick, can't talk right now." Peter automatically felt stupid. Of course, the Tony Stark had better things to do than to talk to a teenager.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark, it's nothing, goodbye!" He ended the call. Tears started to slowly stream down his face.

"Hey, bro, can't talk right now, my parents told me I need to study for tomorrow's test, is it something important?" Of course, he was a burden even to his best friend. What was he even doing here?

"No, man, nothing important, bye!" He rushed, not trusting his voice for much longer.

There was nobody who cared, and Peter knew it. The setting sun was beautiful and there was a slight breeze. He took off his web-shooters and put his legs over the edge, took a deep breath, and let go.

It hurt just for few seconds. Then it all went dark.

Nothing hurt anymore.

May was working when she received a call from another hospital. She picked up a bit confused and worried.

"Ma'am, I'm really sorry, but your nephew is gone." The man on the other end said sadly.

"No, No, No! No!" She started to cry and was already on her way to the hospital.

When she got there, May saw her nephew, who had become like a son to her, laying on the hospital bed, pale and with broken limbs.

And it hurt so much. She cried. She cried for what seemed an eternity.

When there were no tears left to cry, she remembered about Tony.

"You – you have to, you have to get to the hospital r - right now!" She cried. "It's P – Peter." Her voice broke and she just sat holding the boy's cold arm in her own.

Everybody in the hospital was shocked to see the ironman fly through the front door.

"Where is Peter Parker?" He almost yelled.

"R – room 205, sir." The lady at the front desk stuttered.

Tony rushed to the room. What he saw in it made him collapse.

His ironman suit disappeared and the man with no heart crawled next to the boy, who was almost his whole world.

It hurt so much.

When MJ and Ned found out it hurt them so much.

It hurt Flash because he blamed himself.

It hurt the teachers, who didn't say anything about the bullying.

It hurt the avengers when they found out.

And when the citizens of Queens found out, that their hero was dead, it hurt them.

It hurt all of them so much.

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