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TW: Mentions of abuse, eating disorder

Tony Stark was going for a walk. He had started doing this recently when he realized that some great ideas came out of walks. It was late, but he didn't remember the time he used to have a normal sleeping schedule anyways.

The man was letting his brain wander off in different directions when he heard a quiet sob coming out an alley he was walking past. He didn't even think about the possibility of this being dangerous.

Tony was shocked at what he saw. A small child, bruised and dirty. Looked like he hadn't eaten in ages – skin, and bone. The first emotion he felt was guilt, where he was living his luxurious life while a child was starving on the streets. But right after that, he felt a need to help the small child. The man lowered himself so he would be on the same level as the kid and took off his sunglasses.

"Hey there, kiddo," Tony said in a quiet, kind voice, but the kid jumped up and looked at him in terror.

"No need to be afraid, I won't hurt you," He kept his voice slow and calm, "my name is Tony Stark, I want to help you."

For a few seconds the kid was quiet and Tony started wondering if he even could speak.

"P-p-peter, my name is Peter," The little boy's voice was bearly hearable.

"Hi, Peter, It seems like you're cold" The night was chilly, so he took off his jacket and put it on Peter's shoulders, "Here you go, this should keep you warmer."

"Thank you, Mr. Stark" The boy mumbled.

"If you would come with me, I would get you some more clothes and also some food" he made an offer.

At first Peter looked cautious and afraid, when his parents were still alive they told him not to go anywhere with strangers, but it was cold, and he knew he would get a bit hungry after a while. And Mr. Stark was nice. The boy got up slowly, he hadn't moved for a while.

Tony gently took Peter's hand and led him out of the ally. He decided to take a taxi since he wasn't sure if Peter could walk for so long and he wanted to get in the tower as soon as possible to treat the kid's bruises.

They didn't say anything through the ride, but Tony noticed that the kid was sitting perfectly straight like he was afraid to make the smallest movement.

The tower was relatively quiet and they quickly got in the private elevator.

"Jarvis, could you please scan this boy's body for injuries." He asked making sure to keep his voice calm enough not to freak out Peter.

"Of course, sir," He had to process the information for a few seconds, "His body is covered in bruises and cuts, sir, from my scan I would say that this is the result of abuse."

Tony clenched his teeth, if this was true he didn't want to trigger the kid. First thing's first he had to fix up his bruises.

He led Peter to the bathroom. The boy tried to hide it and not look around, but he was impressed by how big everything was. They reached the bathroom and Tony finally let go of Peter's arm to find everything he needed to take care of the cuts.

"Okey, kiddo, You will need to let me look at your bruises if you want them to stop hurting." He was a bit shocked when even though there was fear in the boy's eyes he complied like it was an order, turned around, and lifted his shirt. He however was shocked a lot when he saw the deep cuts and how blue the rest of his back was. For a moment he didn't move, but then he started moving as fast and as gentle as he could. The man was also surprised that the kid only barely flinched when he cleaned out the wounds. When he was done he gave Peter one of his smaller shirts, but it still went over his knees. Tony made a mental note to buy the kid some clothes.

"you're probably hungry, lets get some food." The man took Peter's arm again and together they went to the kitchen. He had never noticed before, but for a billionaire, his kitchen was pretty empty. Tony got the closest thing he could find to normal food – cereal with milk. He showed Peter to one of the chairs and put the cereal in front of him. Another note to buy normal food.

The boy didn't even eat half of the bowl. He stopped eating and just sat there. Tony sighed. This was logical. A boy living on the streets probably didn't get proper nutrition.

"Jarvis, how do you help somebody whit an eating disorder?"

"From the information I collected, I suggest encouraging them, not forcing them to eat and seeking professional help afterward."

He turned to Peter: "Are you sure you don't want to eat more?"

The boy slightly shook his head.

"Let's get you in bed then." He said and took Peter's arm again. They got to his bedroom. He gestured to the bed and Peter silently climbed in. He made sure, that Peter was warm and cozy in his blankets and took his own spot on the floor.

After a while, he heard Peter's breath even out. He could only fall asleep when he knew that the kid was ok, that the kid was safe.

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