A school play.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for 11k reads and almost 400 votes!!!!

@Official_Peter_Stark, thank you for this request!

"So, I know you guys are busy, so you don't have to come, but I have a school play on Friday and all of you are invited!" Peter announced at the beginning of their Saturday movie marathon, while Tony was putting on Banana fish by Clint's request. He said his daughter Lila had been watching it and the man was suspicious.

"Sure, we'll come!" Pepper smiled, the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

The boy was relieved and felt his shoulders relax a bit. Peter hadn't told them but he had worked really hard on his role and even getting one was quite the challenge, since after the whole school found out what play they were doing everybody wanted to addition: "Thank you!"

The rest of the evening was spent enjoying the anime and clint getting a bit worried. Through the rest of the week, Peter practiced even harder than before with his newfound motivation.

On the day of the show, the school was sparking with a hidden glimpse of anticipation. Almost everybody had landed a hand in some way, making the costumes, preparing the props, rehearsing. Even the kids who weren't participating were happy about the classes ending sooner than usual.

Right after the last bell rang chaos erupted, everybody needed to find and put their costumes on, both the dresses and suits and the wigs, they needed to put on make–up. Props were lined up in the order of use. While they got ready it was almost time to start. Everybody peeked from backstage to see their relatives. So did Peter, but they were no one to be seen. The boy knew that they had more important things to do like saving the world and wishing for them to be here was selfish. But from hearing the kids next to him yell excitedly: "Look there's my mom and dad!" his excitement leveled down a bit.

"Attention, the play will begin in 10 minutes, please take your seats!" through the speakers was heard. The music teachers and the theater club leaders were getting the teens in line, Peter stepped aside a bit, he had to go on the stage only on the second act.

Soon the announcer told everybody that there were only 5 minutes left. Peter no longer had the opportunity to peek at the crowd through the curtains. Which meant the next 1 hour and 15 minutes spent wondering whether his family showed up or not. Then the first song started.

After that, it turns out there wasn't a lot of time to spend in thoughts since he needed to hand somebody a prop and help somebody else changing into a different suit quickly. After the first act, a short break followed while the actors regrouped and the audience crowded the school's bathrooms.

For the first two songs he got ready and together with a girl who was one year older than him sitting in front of a piano:

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf

Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf
Sept, huit, neuf (sept, huit, neuf)
Sept, huit, neuf (sept, huit, neuf)
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine."

They started the song together. Then as a boy who was finishing school this year continued the song, Peter's eyes darted to a crowd, and through the bright lights with the help of his super eyesight, he saw the avengers chuckling and a warm feeling struck his stomach.

"Philip, take it away..." the girl sang as Peter got up.

"Daddy, daddy, look
My name is Philip
I am a poet
I wrote this poem just to show it
And I just turned nine
You can write rhymes but you can't write mine" He rapped. In the background, he could hear the audience laughing and every voice of the avengers stuck out to him.

"I practice French and play piano with my mother
I have a sister but I want a little brother
My daddy's trying to start America's bank
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq!" He finished, hugged the boy in front of him quickly, and ran off stage. He got to his water bottle still not being able to wipe the smile off his face.

After a few more songs he walked back on the stage to sing his part in Schuyler Defeated, then came on stage during the Reynolds Pamphlet.

Finally, he started the song blow us all away. The boy was quite nervous about this one, because of how long it was, but he also knew that he had practiced it over and over and could do this while fighting a robber once the first lines were sung he knew that he got this and really leaned into the character moving freely.

The avengers were enjoying the show, watching their spider-kid in his element until the gunshot sound echoed through the room. Every single one of them loudly gasped, though they weren't the only ones in the room.

They watched the next song like they were there, it was so real, everybody's eyes were wet by the end. For Tony this scene was way too familiar reminding of the event a year ago on Titan, tears were streaming down the man's cheeks and he tried not to sob.

When Peter was escorted off stage, he was satisfied with his work and spent the rest of the show helping the others, going on stage one last time during the last song.

After they bowed to the audience Peter happily ran to the team, who embraced him in a hug. Tony fake lectured his son about how he could have chosen the role less traumatic than this one.

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