Hydra Spider 2.

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It had been two weeks. Two weeks since Peter was rescued from the Hydra base. Two weeks, that were what seemed like the best weeks in his life. Two weeks with no killing, two weeks of no hunger, no punishments, no pain.

The boy woke up in the medbay every day. There weren't any huge health problems that would be the reason for him to stay there, but Peter had grown familiar whit the room, and both Tony and Bruce thought that they shouldn't change the environment he was comfortable in just yet.

Tony spent all the time he could with Peter and Bruce came to check up on him daily. While he was awake the boy was never alone. He no longer was lonely and he was grateful for that.

"Pete, remember the man I told you about - Bucky?" Asked Tony one day.

"Your boyfriend? Yes, I remember." The kid chuckled. His dad had talked quite a lot about this man, about how amazing he was.

"How would you feel about meeting him?" Asked Tony.

"I would feel fine with it, have to see what you're so ecstatic about." The man smiled at this. It made him purely happy, seeing his kid joking around. Of course, he knew that the trauma he had experienced didn't just go away. It stayed whit him in his nightmares it stayed whit him in his scars. But it was nice, seeing his kid be a kid again.

"Friday, call Bucky, please."

After a few minutes, the man was in front of the door. He wanted to walk in, but he knew this wouldn't be as easy as Tony thought it would. A kid who had gone through the same thing he had and still was sane, must be a strong kid. A kid who had gone through all of it would never trust a stranger, no matter who he was. Whit that thought he pushed the door open.

When Peter saw the man he froze in fear, but after a second he moved away from the bed and slowly whit terror displayed on his face backed away. This wasn't happening! He thought he could finally be safe, but he wasn't. Hydra had planned this. This messed up a test of loyalty. This test to torture him.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, please, no, not him, I'm sorry, I-I will never, I promise, I will never escape again, I promise," When he reached the wall the boy just crawled up to the ceiling still facing the Winter's soldier, "no, no, please no...."

The two men first stared in shock at the scene. Then Bucky realized what was happening. They had used him again. They had threatened a child whit him. The man clenched both his metal and real arm.

Tony was in a state of shock a few moments longer, until his brain tied the knots together. He came to the same conclusion as his lover.

Bucky slowly walked to the door, thrown off balance. For so long nobody had had that look on their faces when looking at him. For so long nobody had been afraid of him. The younger man stopped him.

"Bucky, wha-how do you deal whit this, I need help, you can't just leave!" Tony's voice was panicky.

"He's afraid of me! I leave, he calms down! That's how you deal whit this!" The older man didn't mean to yell, but he did. He was panicked. Tony would leave him now. He would always choose his son over anybody else. And that was the right thing to do. The older man thought he was so selfish for even considering that Tony would choose him.

"No, that is not a solution, that is running away," the shorter man himself didn't understand how was he staying collected, while his son was begging for mercy.

Bucky took a deep breath: "I have one idea, but it's not going to work probably and it's not going to be very humane."

The last phrase got Tony a little bit worried, but he needed for this to work, so he nodded.

Bucky turned to the kid who was now crying, "Be quiet, right now!" The boy whimpered at the tone of the man's voice, but understanding it was an order he closed his mouth, even though his lip was still trembling slightly.

Bucky had never felt so guilty in his life. He was sorry for the boy who was trembling in the sight of him, but his voice didn't show it: "Look at my eyes!"

The boy obeyed. Looking the man straight in the eyes. A string of longer and shorter blinks. The boy noticed morse code for 'Code blue'. Peter couldn't decide how the man knew this. How did he know the code system?

Every time a captive of hydra walked into a room where another captive was at he signaled a code. Code red was for harm. Code yellow for training. Code green for no interaction. And code blue for no harm.

The boy slowly understood that even the Winters soldier wasn't there willingly, which meant that maybe both of them had escaped. A wave of relief. A wave of doubt. What if he was a captive before? What if now he enjoyed working for them? What if he just wanted to get him down so they could torture him?

The boy looked at his dad. Who hadn't said a word, "Pete, do you trust me?" his voice asked. What if this was just his dad's look-alike? What if this was all a staged show to teach him not to disobey? But why would he keep the act? There was no way of him getting out of this room. Maybe, just maybe this wasn't an act.

"Y-yes," the kid's body was still shaking.

"Bucky isn't going to hurt you. Nobody is going to hurt you." He slowly said, so Peter would understand.

The boy didn't know what to respond so he slowly, whit trembling hands crawled over to his dad, avoiding the man he didn't know wheater was Bucky or Winter's soldier.

Slowly lowering himself, Peter landed on his feet next to Tony. He fell in the man's arms. All the tension and fear that was built up during the previous events escaped. Soon both of them were on the ground, the younger boy sobbing into his dad's chest.

It took a long while in which the taller man tried to leave, but Tony shook his head ever so slightly and the man stayed. When Peter had calmed down, he started to think about what had just happened. He had misjudged a man by his past. He thought about what he would feel if somebody was scared of him now. The feeling of thinking about it wasn't pleasant.

The kid got out of Tony's hugs and turned to face the other man, who was standing perfectly still, afraid to move and scare the kid.

"I'm sorry," said Peter, "I should not have judged you on your past, I wouldn't like it if I would be in your place, sir."

For a few seconds, the man stood dully, not understanding what to do: "No, I should have assessed the situation better, before I came through that door, also there is no need for you to call me sir."

"Okey," Peter smiled a shy smile.

"This calls for cheeseburgers!" Tony said quite loudly scaring both of them.

Laughter. Both men were happy to hear Peter laugh.

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