Change time

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Requested by @SunsetTheAssassin. Enjoy!

None of the things about MIT here are true.

It was a hot day on 30th May and all of his exams were over. Peter was sweating. Not because he was doing something as a normal teenager like skateboarding, socializing or working. The 14 – year - old was putting together a small time machine to go to the year 1985. He was going to meet Tony Stark, why, because, well he could, and he thought that, it would be nice to make friends with him.

The boy was quite certain about the machine working, he just needed to set it up. The size of it took over most of the apartment, but May wouldn't be back for the next 36 hours so he should be able to spend a day in the past and then come back to clean this up. (let's just assume that he can time travel)

After 30 minutes he was standing on a street, old cars passing by, people were rushing in different directions, their dress code made him feel like in an old photography or music video. After he came to understand his surroundings, and made sure, to hide the much smaller device needed to travel back, he started walking. Peter had thought about where Tony would be at this moment. Since he graduated from MIT at 17, now he probably was at the dormitories. And that's where Peter went.

Everybody knew in which dorm the Tony Stark lived, everybody wanted to live in the same room. When he had gotten there, he walked up, surprised that nobody stopped him. Many people had told him that he looks like a baby. Well, he was glad when he reached the room, he took a deep breath in. He was going to meet the Tony Stark, sure as a kid, but he still was the same genius.

Only when he opened the door he remembered that he needed to knock. By then it was too late. There were two boys in front of him. They were kissing. As soon as they realized the door had opened, they shot away from each other and the boy, which wasn't Tony ran through the door.

Tony turned angrily at Peter, who scratched the back of his hand, for the awkward situation he was in: "I'm sorry, I should have knocked."

"Yeah, yeah," Tony seemed annoyed, "so, how much do you want?"

"How much what?" Peter didn't understand.

"Money of course," the other was annoyed by the boy in front of him playing dumb.

"For what?"

'Really?' Tony thought: "For you not to tell anybody about what you just saw."

"Oh, no, I don't need your money, I would never tell anybody about what I just saw without your permission, it is your secret to share," the boy hadn't even thought about sharing this.

"Really?" the other seemed suspicious, "and you don't want anything from me?"

"I want to spend the day with you!" he smiled, "That's why I came here!"

"So, you're not disgusted with me?" Every word from the stranger's mouth seemed more and more impossible.

"Of course, not. Why would I be? I may look young, but I have seen plenty of people kiss."

Tony smiled widely, no one he had ever met before had treated being gay so normally: "I sure would love for my father to think that way and yes, I would love to spend the day with you."

"I'm sorry he doesn't and yey!" It was weird how Peter's emotions could change so quickly, "When are you planning of coming out?" he himself realized very well that the question wasn't well-filtered.

"Never," Tony wasn't particularly proud of his answer.

"Because of your father?" the other asked.

"Because of him and because of thousands of others just like him." The dark-haired one said with a melancholic tone.

"Well, you should!" Peter's voice was loud and convinced, "You should, because one day you are going to be one of the most popular people in the world and you coming out would let the kids who are your fans realize that being part of the LGBTQ+ community is normal. So you don't have to come out now, you still can if you want to, but that one day when you're a hero and a world-known, engineer and philanthropist, that's when you should."

Tony still couldn't understand how can the boy talk so freely, fearlessly, but it made him smile, knowing that there are people out there not like his father, but like the stranger in front of him: "So what's your name?"

"Peter, and I know, you're Tony."

The rest of the day was spent talking and walking around, so Peter would get to know the time. They talked about MIT where Peter had already gotten an invitation letter to, about different experiments and scientific papers. Peter was trying his very best to remember the dates of their publishment. Once the day was over, both of them were quite sad to leave but were glad, they had gotten to know each other.

When he came back, Peter was happy to see that he hadn't caused a world-ending event and took his time, disposing of the last scraps of metal right before his aunt came home. That June both Tony and Captain America in a pride pared, he was at.

Both of the men were on a stage, Steve dressed in a pink, purple, blue shirt and shorts that read bi, bi, bi, and Tony in a rainbow suit, with a crown on his head. Tony took the microphone to start talking: "As an old friend once said, once I'm a hero and a world-known philanthropist and engineer, that's when I should come out, so if it isn't visible from my choice of outfit, then I'm gay!" he screamed the last word the stepped back from then mick and kissed Steve, to the yelling and clapping cloud. Peter didn't think he had ever been as happy.

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