British Peter

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Requested by @xXShyKaiXx. Hope you like it!

"Why doesn't Spider-man ever attend these meetings?" asked Steve curiously.

"Because Spider-man can act like an adult and has more important things to do than sit around and listen to how you cannot!" Fury Scolded, "But about now he should be free," the man took out his flip phone opened it up, and pressed a number, "Can you come to meeting room 6, please?"

The avengers eyed their boss suspiciously. Since when did the man asked not ordered for something to be done?

"Alright, I'll be there in a sec," The boy answered, he had just gotten to the base after a mission in Italy. Peter put on some jeans and a blouse.

He walked into the meeting room and turned to close the door behind himself: "Why did you wish to see me right after I got back from the mission?" he asked, "And is that coffee I smell? Don't you know that I dring tea, darling?"

When he turned he saw a very confused team of adults, but the boy didn't seem to be bothered. He slowly took his place on one of the chairs. Meanwhile, Fury got out of his chair and went over to a kettle, poured steaming water into a cup, and put a teabag in it.

"Spiderman ain't British!" Sam called out.

"He could be," Tony said, "If SHIELD gave him voice modifiers to hide his identity."

"No, I just have a very convincing American accent," he switched back to his fake accent.

"So convincing I can't tell which was the original," Bruce was intrigued.

Fury had finished making the tea and handed it to the boy: "Here you go."

"Thank you, sweetheart!" He smiled innocently.

The rest of the table took in a deep breath, waiting for Fury to start and lecture the boy, but nothing as that came. The man just sat back down.

"Why do you get to boss Mr. Pirate around?" asked Tony annoyedly, getting even more upset when Fury shot him a warning glance.

"How did you get so good at both accents?" Bruce put the accent on the second word.

"Is no one going to talk about the fact that we fought with and against a KID?" Steve asked.

"Alright, kids," Peter started with a grin, "let me tell you a story. There once were two agents of Shield Mary and Richard. Together they were sent on an undercover mission in Kingston. On the mission, they fell in love and got married. After 2 and a half years on the mission, they had a baby boy – me. For 4 more years, the three of them lived happily. Then to report back to SHIELD of their mission success the parents took a plane back to the USA, but the plane was taken down by a planted bomb and both of them died. The boy was told that his parents died in an accident and left in a British foster care system for 3 more years. After those 3 years, a man with an eye patch – Mr. Pirate here came to him told the boy the truth about his parents, and offered the boy to start training to take their place. 4 years of training and the boy was at the level of a high-level Shield agent, but he continued his training and soon became the best and the successor of Mr. Fury. Afterwards he was bitten by a radioactive spider and got some super-human abilities. Right now the boy has been on more than 300 high-profile missions and has become a super-hero known as spider-man. That boy is me – Peter Benjamin Parker. Nice to meet you!"

At the end of the monologue the adults wide-mothed were blinking, both at how rich was the story of a sixteen-year-old boy and at how strong was his English accent when he spoke freely.

"Alright, I'll let you get back to your meeting!" He said with a sugary voice, stood up, and walked out of the room, "See you soon, loves!"

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