Made of stone.

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TW: Abuse, panic attack

"Hello, Marry!" Tony greeted the woman entering the tower.

"Hi, Tony!" She said grabbing onto the man's arm as they made their way to the elevator.

Moving had recently become harder, because of the growing bump in her stomach. When they got into the elevator she leaned against the left wall, while Tony stood next to her making sure she doesn't lose her balance.

"Where's Steve?" The woman asked.

"He's waiting in the penthouse, sorry for dragging you out here, we just wanted to make sure you're part of this conversation." The man answered.

"Why are you serious? Tony Stark is never serious." She teased him whit a huge grin as they made their way to the living room.

"Well, Tony Stark has never been worried about being a father before!" Tony rushed out continuing with nervous laughter.

Steve was making tea when the pair entered the room. He waited for Marry to sit down on the couch then handed her the cup.

"So, why was Tony serious for the first time in his life?" She asked Steve, while Tony grabbed the other cup from Steve and sat on the chair next to the couch.

"We just were wondering what to call our son, and since you're his mother we made the decision of you getting a say in it." Steve was the final to sit but gave his husband a little annoyed look when he realized his beverage was gone from his hands.

"Well, ain't that considered of you? So what are the ideas?" She asked slowly sipping the hot drink.

Steve pulled out a book, which as the title said told the meaning to baby names, but also looked more like an encyclopedia. Tony huffed at the sight of it but didn't say anything. If he didn't like an idea Steve would ask for a better one, unfortunately, the man didn't have one.

"We're actually hoping that you had any," Steve responded.

The woman carefully placed her cup on the ground, then quickly grabbed the book out of Steve's hands and started to leaf through it.

"What about Ferro? It means iron in Latin." She asked Tony.

Tony stared at her blankly, she faces palmed herself.

"Stark men are made of iron?" She asked not believing that the genius didn't get it.

Hearing these words Tony flinched remembering what that praise meant to him.


The nine-year-old Tony walked into his father's lab whit a glass of water his father had asked him to get. He always did what his father asked him to. The boy was in a rush and didn't notice the wires in between the two worktables. He tripped over them and dropped to the ground. The water was spilled, the glass was broken, the device that was connected by the wires was now laying on the ground and smoking.

No, no, no, this wasn't happening the young Tony thought, as his father's shadow lured over him as an eagle's shadow lured over a mouse. Before he knew it Howard had pulled him up and slapped him across the face. There weren't even tears in Tony's eyes, he got slapped so often that he was used to it, however was afraid of what would follow. His father slapped the other side of his face, and that was when the boy tried to get out of the man's grip, but he couldn't. Tony still tried, tried so hard that he felt his arm break.

Now the boy started crying loudly, tears streaming down his face. He knew Howard had felt the crack as well, but that didn't stop the man from hitting him again and yelling: "You will not cry! Stark men are made of iron! We do not break! Say it!" his father demanded.

"St-stark men are made of iron," He knew better than not to obey, but he couldn't get the words to be louder than a whisper.

"I don't hear you!" The man said hitting the boy again.

"Stark men are made of iron!"

End of flashback

Steve got up from his position on the couch as soon as he saw Tony starting to hyperventilate. There were tears on the brunette's cheeks and his hands were clutching the chair's arms so tight, that Steve wouldn't be surprised if they would burst open. Tony wasn't moving, and Steve knew, this meant he was back in his childhood. Not in the memories, back there, he was most afraid. Afraid so much he didn't dare to move.

The blond man took the hands of his husband in his own and kneeled down in front of him: "Tony, I need you to breath, You're not there, you're here, you can feel me, I know you can," he placed Tony's arms on his own chest, "You can hear my heartbeat, I need you to concentrate on it, okey."

Steve took in extra deep breaths hoping that Tony would imitate them. It didn't really work.

Tony was there shifting before his father's lab and his husband's eyes. He heard two voices talking and yelling over each other 'Tony, sweetheart, I need you to breath with me' 'You can never do anything right!' 'It's gonna be okey, you're not there' 'don't you dare to cry again' 'fell my hands, you're whit me' 'You disgusting little, brat' 'I'm here, he can't hurt you'. The man tried, he tried his very best to concentrate on the calming voice, it was hard, so hard, and after a few minutes, after an eternity he could finally take a deep breath.

Steve felt Tony starting to breathe with him, the younger man fell into Steve's protective arms.

He was okey, he could breathe again, he wasn't there, he was with Steve. At first bearly hearable, but eventually, the words became more clear for Tony, "You're okey, you're here, it's okey," circles were being drawn on his back. He felt dizzy and exhausted, so exhausted he thought about falling asleep right then and there, but he didn't.

As soon as Tony realized he was back at the tower, he tensed up. The man remembered the events that had led to this and also remembered that there was somebody else besides him and Steve in the room and that this somebody was looking at him. Tony straightened up and quickly whipped his still red eyes, it had taken so long for him to open up to Steve, but nobody else was to see him like this, nobody could see Tony Stark crying, nobody could see Tony Stark weak.

"Sorry, you had to see that," the man said putting back his press smile. It should look fake the women sitting across them thought, but it didn't. If Marry wouldn't have seen the events before she would have thought the smile was sincere.

"No, it was my mistake, I should not have said that," The woman was still in shock and her voice was weak. It was uncomfortable, she couldn't just say, 'Drop the smile, I saw what just happened'

"Well, you couldn't have known," Tony said, he still wasn't feeling full back on his feet just yet, but he let Steve help him get to the bigger couch and sit back down. The smaller man laid his head against Steve.

For a while, there was an uncomfortable silence. Nobody knew how to restore a conversation from this point on. So they sat each in their own thoughts.

"I don't want our son to be made of iron, I want him to be made of stone," Tony said breaking the silence whit his voice, which was oddly motivated, not looking at the recent events. The voice sounded almost stubborn, like saying, 'no matter how many times you break me, I will find a way to get myself fixed, I'm an engineer after all' Marry almost heard him say it.

Marry lifted the book and browsed through it once again: "Peter, meaning stone in Greek," she announced looking at the men, for their approval.

"I like it," both of the men said at the same time, chuckled a bit, but then both of them smiled a truly and fully happy smile.

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