Not an illusion

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Requested by @Chychy101604. Hope this is what you were looking for!

The tulips were beautiful around him, but Peter couldn't be happy about them now. His friends were in danger, he had given possibly the most dangerous technology in the world to a man who wanted to destroy him, and then he was hit by a train. The boy really hoped that the one arriving in the jet would be Happy not an illusion. At that moment, watching as the jet landed Peter wished so much that Tony would be here. He wished so much it hurt. He wished to hug the man again and for Tony to tell him how much he had messed up by giving Beck the glasses. He just wanted for the man to be here.

The staircase lowered and Happy walked out. But there was another man there. Tony was walking right behind Happy. At first, Peter wanted to run forward, to get to the man as soon as possible. Right after that Peter remembered that this was an illusion, that Beck just wanted to hurt him, and his instinct was to run away. But he didn't move. Peter wanted to believe so bad that the man in front of him was really his mentor, but in his heart, he knew that that was impossible.

Deciding which part he wanted to follow was too hard. Why did the universe want to torture him so much? Tears ran down his face. He couldn't decide, his legs started to tremble and after a few steps back, he tripped over his own feet. The boy didn't get up. If he would, he would need to decide in which direction to run. And that was too big of a choice for a boy so young. That's why he took his knees to his chest and sat like that. Waiting for the man to come up to him, to hug him, or to punch him. This way he wouldn't be the one deciding.

Peter felt an arm touch his shoulder, it wasn't a punch, he looked up: "H-how are you here?" the boy whimpered.

Tony was squatting in front of him. The hand on Peter's shoulder was the only thing keeping him from running: "There was an opening in the soul world and somehow I was the one who ended up out of there, and as soon as I did I came here."

Peter's head was shaking wildly, like wanting to clear his head, get all that wasn't real away: "No, no, no, that's not possible, that's not possible, it isn't possible!" At first, the words were mutters but at the end, the boy was screaming, wanting to break free from what he was seeing. The boy started to crawl backwards repeating in his mind: 'not real, not real, not real'

The expression on Tony's face was divided. One half was sad for Peter. The other was vengeful. He wanted to destroy the monster who had driven a kid to this state. His kid: "Pete, it's me, Tony. Remember this one time after you turned down my offer to become an Avenger we went out for coffee. And I said that I was nothing without my coffee, so you answered that if I was nothing without my coffee then I shouldn't have it and I spit out the coffee, and then we both almost died laughing?"

Peter stopped moving away: "And then, then one time you were really sick at school and you were trying to write a test and then you passed out and unconsciously climbed on the sealing, scaring the hell out of everyone there, and May was at work, so I had to pick you up. Wanda came with me to delete all of their memories, and we had t..." The man didn't get to finish. Peter had gotten to him and now was hugging Tony so hard, it felt like the boy was using his superstrength to chock him, but Tony didn't mind.

For a while, Peter cried only tears of pure joy. Then he remembered everything else going on: "I – I, I messed up, Tony, I gave the glasses to Beck, and now he's going to kill all my friends, and he wants to use them to seem like a hero and, and I messed up," regret filled his voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not taking your suit away," this earned a quiet laugh from Peter.

"Well, we should get going," Happy who had been very awkwardly standing there for a while announced.

Tony helped Peter to his feet and they made their way to the jet. When they stepped in it Peter took in a deep breath, forcing himself to concentrate: "Alright, Happy, can you please let Mr. Furry know about Beck. I and Tony need to get working on the suits."

"Peter, I saw the cuts on your back," Tony said in a 'don't talk back to me' voice.

"They'll heal," the boy scratched.

"Sit down, I'll stitch you up," The man said strictly.

"Fine, dad," Peter rolled his eyes making both of them laugh.

After that was done Happy put on music. Workplaces opened up on each wall of the jet. Each of them worked on their own suits, switching up from time to time to work on the other's. In the jet, they worked back to back. And soon they jumped in the storm together and fought back to back. Soon Beck was defeated.

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