Peter meets the Rogues.

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Thanks to @Libby9906, who was the first to vote on this story, and to @Atig8231, who was the first one to comment!

Happy was driving Peter to the Stark tower. Peter was sure he wasn't listening, but his day had been great and last night there was a robbery he stopped, that he wanted to tell the driver about.

When he got out of the car, he thanked Happy for driving him and rushed to the penthouse.

"Hey, Friday, is Mr. Stark in his lab? I have this great idea...." The last sentence faded away.

For a moment the boy stood shocked. What were the avengers, the people who hurt his da – Mr. Stark doing here. How dare they come in here? His shock quickly became anger. All of the eyes in the room were following him, when he walked up to Captain America and punched him in the face. Steve stumbled backwards. He definitely wasn't expecting a kid to deliver this strong of a punch.

"What was that about?" He asked while blood was spilling from his broken nose.

"You left him! You left him in Siberia! You left him to freeze to death! You were his friend, and you almost killed him!" The boy was screaming at the super-soldier.

"I didn't know he was going to die! I thought he could do something with his suit." Steve was trying to explain himself.

At that moment Tony walked into the room. He stopped to take in the scene for a few seconds. Steve's Nose was bleeding and Peter looked angrier than he ever seen his – the kid before.

"Hey! What's going on?" He asked even though he already had put the dots together.

"Your son punched cap in the face," Clint said not trying to hide his smirk.

"He is not my son." Said Tony.

"I'm not his son." Peter said at the exact same moment.

"Right." The man said.

"Wait! You punched Steve?" Tony turned to Peter.

"Yes. And if he ever as much as looks at you the wrong way I'm going to do more than just punch him." From the corner of his eye, Peter saw Natasha smirk at the last part.

"Okay, Okay! Pete calm down. I invited Steve and the rest of the team back so we could try and be a team again." Mr. Stark explained to the kid, whose cheeks turned red.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Rogers!" Peter's eyes found his feet.

"No problem, now I don't have to do that myself." Tony didn't want cap answering Petes' apology. Trying to reform the team didn't mean he trusted them. "If you need a nurse, Friday will show you the way."

"Alright, um, nice to meet you again." Steve definitely got that, whoever the kid was, he wasn't going to hurt him.

"For the rest of you, and you can tell cap this, every one of you has your own floor, where you will find everything you need. You can't go in the penthouse, my lab, or under any circumstances bother Peter. If you have any questions, ask Friday."

"So, if the kid's not your son, who is he?" Asked Clint.

Tony looked at Peter and touched his palm where the web shooter would be. Peter nodded.

"This is my personal intern and spider-man, Peter."

"I tried to punch a kid! A kid caught my metal arm!" Bucky looked at the boy, who looked like he could barely hurt a fly. Peters' eyes were still tied to the ground, and his cheeks were blushing again.

"Well, that's it!" Tony put an arm on his interns' shoulder and led him towards the elevator leaving the shocked group of people behind.

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