Baby Peter.

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Requested by @ShelbyStroh.

"Mr. Pirate decided that it would be a good idea for you to stay here, so here are the rules," The avengers were sitting on the couch and an annoyed Tony was standing in front of them. Why Furry thought it's a good idea the man didn't know, but he couldn't really argue, so here he was, "Well, there is just one. Don't go where Friday doesn't allow you to."

"You can't just not allow us to move freely!" exclaimed Steve.

"Well, the last time I checked my name is written on this building, not yours, so yes, yes I can," Tony said mockingly, "If you have any problems go to Mr. Pirate. I have no wish to keep you here."

They couldn't say anything about that. Tony satisfied with the silence nodded and walked in the direction of the elevator: "Friday will tell you everything you need to know, I have to go now, busy."

Something brown and fluffy fell out of the man's pocket as the elevator doors were opening. As soon as Tony noticed, he put his foot between the doors so they wouldn't close, and hoping that nobody saw the teddy bear grabbed it and put it back in his pockets. Then he quickly got in the elevator, nervously started pressing the "close doors" button, and waved goodbye to the now very confused team, as they were.

For a while the only thing heard in the room was the elevator working and when it stopped everybody sat there for a few moments wondering what just happened.

That was not the last weird thing to happen. First, they noticed, that Tony wasn't throwing any parties or going to any either, which was quite unusual. They didn't see him often, but when they did he was tired, and sometimes even not sarcastic, also weird for the man. Tony wasn't attending business meetings, but sometimes he showed up to meeting with Furry with blue rings under his eyes, unwashed hair, and crumpled clothes. Once in the meeting, he would often doze off, and not say anything when Furry yelled at him. While they were leaving one meeting a pacifier fell out of his pocket, and like before, the man quickly picked it up, put it in his pocket, and nervously rushed away.

"I know Stark said not to go where Friday doesn't allow, and his penthouse is definitely on the list, but we should check up on him," Natasha said while they were eating dinner, "He's acting suspiciously recently."

"You're right. I've noticed," said Bucky.

And that is how Steve, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Natasha, and Vison ended up in a little bit awkward elevator ride to the top of Stark Tower.

When the doors opened, followed by a silent 'ting' they got out quietly to the sight of Tony's back. The room was flooding with his voice, which was silently singing a lullaby in Italian. He was moving a bit in his legs and holding something or someone in his hands.

Slowly Tony was turning around, but when he saw the avengers staring at him, he stopped mid-note. For a few seconds, they were staring at each other in silence. Then the questions came. 'Whose kid is this?' 'How old is he?' Who's the mother?" Tony rose his finger to his lips and frowned at how loud they were. But the damage was done. The body in his hand started moving.

"Look at what you've done!" scolded Tony, "Do you have any idea how long it takes for him to fall asleep?" At the loud voice, the kid started crying. Tony at the same moment looked down and started tickling his son's belly, and soon the tears were turned to giggles.

"Can I hold it?" asked Natasha.

"Him, His name is Peter," Tony did not like the idea of handing his kid to a professional assassin.

Natasha stepped closer but didn't raise her hands, leaving the decision to Tony. However, Peter seemed to like the lady in front of him and raised his little arms towards her. Tony smiled and very carefully handed the fragile body over. Natasha with the same precaution pressed him against her chest. Peter rose his little hands and took a strand of the raid hair in them.

"My turn!" exclaimed Clint.

Natasha shot him a murderous glare, not wanting to give the child she had just met away. Tony nodded. And she slowly moved towards Clint. After that, each of the avengers took turns holding the kid. The baby didn't start crying, just giggled and smiled. Even though nothing bad happened, Tony was still relieved to hold his son against his chest again.

"So who's the mother?" asked Clint. Some of his teammates shot him disapproving looks.

"Marry Parker," Tony answered with a sad look on her face.

"Who is..." Promoted Sam.

"Deceased," Tony looked down. Nobody wanted to question anymore.

"What about Pepper? Is she helping you?" Asked Natasha.

"No. She's always in business meetings around the world. Peter's been here for 2 months. Pepper hasn't been home for two and a half. And Rodey's also busy with military stuff," The man's voice was tired, "It's just me and Peter."

Soon that changed. After that day all of the avengers were more than happy to help raise Peter. They fed him and spent time with him, so Tony could get some sleep. Amongst all of them, Natasha was especially protective of him, which surprised the rest of them. She had never been the one to show affection before. It seemed that Peter also liked her quite a bit. They read him stories and sang songs, and played with action figures, and with legos. And this boy tied the work partners together. So tight that they became an inseparable family.

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